Episode 9

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I woke up at 6 o'clock on Sunday morning to feed Olivia so I could get back to sleep. I looked over to find the source of the light snore I was hearing. I found the snore belonged to my handsome boyfriend, Schmidt. I smiled at his sleeping figure then got up to go tend to my beautiful daughter. I put on my fuzzy, black robe because it was kind of cold In my room since I had the fan on all night for Schmidt, who likes to sleep in the cold. I walked down the hall to find my baby girl sleeping peacefully. I almost didn't want to wake her up but she was on a schedule and if changes at all she get cranky all day. One day we had a holiday at school and I went in at 8 instead of 7 so I feed her an hour late and Sarah literally had to bring her to the School so I could calm her down. So I changed her diaper first and changed her pink and white short sleeve onesie into a long sleeve Yellow and black onesie with a pair of white socks . I feed her a 6 oz bottle of milk with oatmeal in the bottle. After she finished I found her Bassinet and laid her down inside. Since it had wheels I rolled her down the hall to my room and sat the bassinet beside my bed. I do this every Sunday with my little girl. I love seeing her so peaceful as she sleeps. I put her fluffy plush blanket over her so she can be warm. I laid back down facing Olivia trying not to wake up Schmidt. I stayed up scrolling through my phone as I waited for my sleepiness to take back over my body. I eventually fall back to sleep.

*Kimberly's dream*
"I do" Nick said to me and we stood in the sandy beach for our wedding. Olivia stood behind me holding a flower basket. She was about 3 or 4. She had grow up to look a lot like Nick.

"I do" I said back.

"You may now kiss the bride" Nick grabbed my face and gave me the biggest kiss cause everybody to cheer. We locked hands with Olivia and walked down the aisle as people threw rice at us.

We arrived back home after the reception. It was around 11 Nick had to carry Olivia from the car because she had fallen asleep in the car. So she was already in her room fast asleep.

"I can't believe we just got married" I said draping my arms over Nick's shoulders as I looked into his eyes as he undid his tie.

"Me either" he kissed me in the cheek and continued to get undressed.

I got Nick to unzip my puffy white wedding dress with diamonds around the waist. I slipped into my favorite pair of black shorts with a teal shirt. Nick was still in the bathroom getting undressed. I was getting worried because he was in there for a long time and he started getting undressed before me.
"Hey, Nick" I said walking in the bathroom. Where I found my husband kissing another girl. My heart dropped as I walked backwards out of the bathroom. I fall backwards but I was caught. I turned to see what caught me. I was met with to big Hazel eyes a chiseled jaw and plump pink lips.

"Schmidt?" I asked confused

"I'm here for you, beautiful" He pulled me into the biggest hug and kissed the top of my head.

Olivia came running into the room.
"Mommy, Daddy" she ran up to me and Schmidt and hugged our legs.

*End of dream*

I was awoken by Schmidt shaking me.
"What!" I whisper yelled because I didn't want to wake up Olivia. I was really tired and don't like being woke up any earlier then I need to.

"I just wanna cuddle" Schmidt said with a sad face because I yelled at him.

I felt bad for being mean to him. All he wanted was for me to cuddle with him.

"I'm sorry. Here. come here." I moved closer to him and placed my head on his chest and my leg across his. He put his arm behind my back and rubbed it.

"I'm sorry for waking you up." Schmidt whispered in my ear and We drifted off to sleep again.

*Schmidts Dream*
I was waiting for my little girls to get off the bus from their first day of School. Olivia was in 3rd grade and Yasmine had just started Kindergarten.
The big yellow bus pulled up to the house. I saw my two little curly hair mixed daughters run from off the bus.

"DADDY" They called as the raced to see who would get here first. I got down on my knees to be at their level as the ran into my arms.

"BABIES" I said back. "How was your first day of school girls?" I asked taking their book bags then walked into the house.

"It was great I love my teacher. Plus I get to see mommy at school" Olivia said jumping up and down. Olivia was every active. She played basketball, softball, tennis, danced, and took karate.

"I like school. I made a lot of new friends and I got to color for a long time" Yasmine explained her day to me. Yasmine was more artsy. For a five year old she can color in all the lines of any picture and she loves to draw and it's actually pretty good for her age.

"That's great girls. Mommy should be home any minute. She's going to grab dinner so I can cook for my 3 girls" I picked them up. The nodded

"Can we go play outside daddy" Yasmine asked.

"Of course. Just be careful and stay inside the fence" I said as my little girls ran to the back door.

I went to go make sure they were ok. Yasmine was playing in her sandbox and Olivia was practicing her karate. I smiled at my two beautiful girl.

I heard the front door open and rushed over to greet my beautiful wife.

"Hey baby. How was your day at work" I asked helping her with the bags. We walked to the kitchen to sit the bags down.

"Ok. My students are amazing but my co teacher is Jess and guess what she's pregnant. With Nick's child" Kimberly explained her day to me.

"Don't worry about it baby. Just because Nick didn't want to be a man and take care of his first child doesn't mean you should feel bad. I'm here and WE have TWO beautiful little girls. Schmidt hugged me and kissed my head.

"About that" Kim pulled away from the hug and looked me in the eyes. "It's about to be 3 little children running around" She smiled and I pulled her back into my arms.
*end of dream*

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