Episode 10

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I woke up from one of the bestdreams in the world to Kim getting out of bed to feed Olivia I picked up my Black iPhone 8 to check the time. It was only 9:30. I set up and watched Kim feed Olivia. Kim is a great mother. Even though some would disagree because she trusted me with her child but she always does what is best for Olivia

"Goodmorning, again, Sunshine," I said causing her to jump a little. She had really bad nerves is one thing I could observe. She gets scared ever easy, I find it cute though.

"Goodmorning, Schmidt." She looked back over her shoulder then looked back at Olivia as she fed her

It's a little strange that she only calls Schmidt even though I'm her boyfriend now. I don't mind though it's cute when she says it.

I had put my phone back on the nightstand. I heard it ding and I picked it up, I had an email from my boss. I work at a magazine company and I do most of my work at home but I go in once a week for presentations. I actually haven't been in for a week. My boss lets me have the week off because she didn't have an actually for me this week. So I got to spend time with Olivia and Kimberly.

The message read: Schmidt, You have a presentation tomorrow at 9 am, You will need to write a 2 page spread about valentines day. I need it in my inbox by 8 tonight so I can review it.

I let out a loud groan which caught Kim's attention.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

I got up and walked over to the right side of the bed where Kim was sitting and sat down beside her.

"I'm going back to work tomorrow and I need an article done by 8 tonight" I explained.

"That sucks, Schmidt. Why is your boss so hard on you?" Kim asked still feeding Olivia.

"Because I'm the only boy that works in the office its like they treat me different just because I'm a boy" I explained.

"I'm sorry they treat you that way. If I worked there id treat you great" Kim said sweetly.

"If you worked there I'd probably get fired. I mean look at you. You would distract me." I laughed

Kim blushed and turned her head as she smiled her beautiful smile. She shot her head around.

"Wait, what about Olivia? Am I gonna have to find another babysitter? Schmidt, I don't have time." Kim started panicking. She started talking fast and kind of moving a lot but not too much because she had Olivia in her arms.

"Kim, sweetie, calm down. I just take her with me. She'll most likely be sleep while I'm in my presentation. Plus my co-workers love babies." I smiled as she calmed back down.

She put Olivia's bottle down on the nightstand beside her and put her on her shoulder to burp her. Both of them were so beautiful. I can't believe I was finally with Kim. It's only been 2 days but I can't wait for it to be a month, then a year, then forever. I know in my mind I'm moving really fast but I can't help it. I would never understand why Nick left her. Shes's perfect, well to me. She has the perfect brown silky skin, the prettiest black curly hair, and the brown big rim glasses she wears are perfect for her. I remembered I had to get started on my article and I didn't have my laptop.

"Hey, Kim, I'm going to go home.I need to start writing my article and I'm pretty sure I won't be able to finish it here. This gives to time to spend with Olivia." I explained

"Are you coming back tonight?" Kim asked with hope in her eyes.

"Of course. I'll be back around 9 after I submit my article." Kim nodded and smiled.

"Well, you should get dressed. Then I walk you out." Kim suggested.

I nodded. I walked back to my side of the bed where my Light blue button up shirt laid with my kcackys. I grabbed my clothes and started walked back towards the bathroom. Once I got into the big black and white bathroom that was off of Kim's room. I started searching for a washcloth. This girl has a thing for hiding things. I finally found them on a high shelf clearly too high for her to reach. That's why I'm confused why she put them up there. I shook off how crazy my girlfriend is and walked over to the sink. Kim only had girly, Japanese cherry blossom, soap. So great my face would smell like a girl all day.

After I finished washing my face, I got dresses back in what I had on yesterday since I didn't have any clothes. I walked back into Kim's room she was sitting on the bed talking to Olivia.

"Hey, beautiful. You're 5 months today. What do you want to do today, sweetie? Spend time with mommy? Ok sweetie. " Kim talked to Olivia knowing she couldn't talk back.

Olivia was 5 months today. Her birthday was September 2nd. Kim basically told me everything about Olivia the first day I watched her. I let out a little laugh, of course, causing Kim to jump a little. I guess she didn't see me come in. I shook my head and smiled at how cute she is.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you boo" I started walking over to the side of the bed I sleep on. I picked up my wallet and put in my pocket. I checked my phone I had a message from Nick.

'I need to talk to Kim'

"Um, Kim," I said handing her the phone. She read the message and handed me, Olivia. I knew things were about to get ugly. She dialed his number and put the phone to her ear.

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