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The vid isn't U.S nationals but I couldn't help myself they're sooo good 


I jam the keys into the lock and slam open the door to the dorm. "I cant do it, I cant do it." I repeat holding my head in my hands. I feel warm salty tears fall down my face and onto my jeans as I fall to my knees.

Alex bursts through the door and his eyes dart around the room frantically before he spots me  hunched over on the floor. 

"I cant do it..." I say once again and Alex kneels down to my level and cradles me in his arms. "Thomas..." He whispers" I CANT DO IT!" I snap shoving him away from me. " HE WAS RIGHT I'M NOT GOOD ENOUGH! I DONT EVEN KNOW WHY I THOUGHT I COULD MAKE A COMEBACK! I wasted 8 years of my life..." 

" Thomas." Alex says in a caring yet stern tone. "You are the ONLY skater I have ever heard of with the stamina and skill to pull of 6 quads in a single programme. It doesn't matter what the fuck your dad says. I care about you and so does the rest of the skating community. you cant give up now."

"You dont know what my world looks like! No one cares. Your only here out of pity." I say coldly standing up and lingering in the door frame for a few seconds before running down the halls and out of the law building.

I run for hours with no planned course. I run past the quaint little Starbucks. I run through the vast forest just outside of campus. I even end up running past Arctic spells. I wish I could take back everything I said to Alex I didn't mean anything I said to him. Im only mad at myself.

My pace slows and I come to a halt in front of the rink. I pull out my phone  and text back the number. 

ThomasJ: See ya there ass pop ;)   


I walk back into the dorm to see a crying Alex accompanied by a comforting Lafayette and a pissed Hercules. When said Hercules sees me he storms in my direction and punches me square in the face. " HERC STOP!" Alex and Lafayette yell simultaneously.

 I slide down the door and cry into my knees. The crying turns to laughter and everyone just stares before I stand and walk over to Alex. Hercules moves to stop me but Laf stops him. " Im sorry, all of you." I say taking Alex's hand. " I acted out because he... my dad found my number. He tracked me down and he knows about the competition." Herc and Laf stand in confusion. "But I don't give a shit anymore, lets do this! I want to prove to him that his judgment was poor!" 

Alex stands up and tackles me in a hug while Laf and Herc just stand there watching. " Hold up." Herc interrupts. " Did we miss a prologue or something?" Alex looks at me for approval. I nod and he proceeds to fill in the pair about what they missed. " Man Thomas... If I had known I might have been a little more sympathetic." Herc says and Lafayette nods in agreement. 

" Well if your so keen may we go to the rink." Lafayette says crossing his arms. "You already wasted an hour of practice time and we aren't exactly on the best of schedules." 

TIME SKIP (sorry)

We got through half the routine in 2 hours. We probably could've done more if it wasn't for that french fucker making me re-do it A MILLION TIMES there were only 3 quads in the first half. Already an ambitious move but he planned for 4 more in the second half. 

"What the actual fuck!" I scream at Lafayette who just keeps filing his nails. "Do you actually want me to do 4 quads in the second half! Most skaters only do 4 in an entire routine!" I say ready to strangle someone. " Exactly." Laf says blowing his nails " It's something NO ONE expects. If you pull it off you will set a record." 

"We are trying to get me to make a strong come back not a limp attempt at jumping around. Besides I already hold 2 skating records." I fume skating towards Lafayette. " Yeah Laf I think it may be a little too extreme." Alex adds. "Look you have the strength to do it and if you want to really hit it, how you say? Out of a park. You do what premium coach Marquis De Lafayette says. Non?" He says batting his eyelashes. 

"I'm done for tonight I say throwing my gloves into my bag. " I have 3 lectures tomorrow." 

Alex and I Leave the rink and head home. Again in normal college student fashion. We got McDonald's. Happy meals hardly suffice as an actual MEAL but we enjoyed them none the less.   


Kewl im gonna try post another chapter today.

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