Fuck You Laf

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A week has flown by and Thomas is finally ready to step back on the ice. Sasuke had been staying with us and helping Thomas recover. But now he is ready to kick some French ass. I think we all are. 

We barge into the building and storm toward a very scared looking Lafayette, playing with his jacket zip. When he looks up to see Sasuke he jumps from his seat and almost tackles the poor guy. "SASUKE!" Laf squeals and squeezes him. Sasuke pulls away and gives a faint smile. 

Then proceeds to punch Laf.

"WHAT THE HELL FRENCHY YOU KNOW NOT TO OVERWORK SOMEONE LIKE THAT! ESPECIALLY NOT A WORLD RENOWNED SKATING PRODIGY YOU ASS!" Sasuke really gives Lafayette a piece of his mind while I just stand in shock and Thomas starts laughing hysterically. 

It really is a sight to see. No one would have the nerve to stand up to prime coach Laf but Sasuke.

By the time Sasuke had ranted until he was quite literally unable to breathe, Thomas was already on the ice. His perfect body goes into a perfect spread eagle then....oh god. 

"THOMAS DONT YOU DARE DO THE QUA-" I start. Then he does it, he launches into a quad flip. Ice shavings fly around him while he rotates, his hands firmly against his stomach and his legs slightly crossed. 1 rotation, 2, 3, 4 and............Nope. He falls out of it.

"What did I tell you," I mutter as I skate out to help him out. "Really? We just got back and the first thing you attempt is a quad flip," I say pulling him up. "I thought I could land it." He says sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Clearly I need to take charge here," Sasuke says disapprovingly. " We are starting with basic step sequence and spin exercises. I'm not allowing you to jump on those feet today."

"I didn't even blister them that bad!" Lafayette and Thomas remark simultaneously. 

"One blister was the size of a quarter." Sasuke snaps. "I've had worse," Thomas grumbles quietly.   

Herc then walks in with something strapped to his back. "I brought you guys a surprise," Herc says. Surprises are supposed to be fun but Hercs idea of surprise is more...Mayo to the face surprise, type thing. He slowly turns around to reveal a beaming John Laurens clinging to his back.



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