Patched Up

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Alex walks me up the stairs and into the dorm with my arm slung around his shoulders. I let out a long breath as I sit down, trying to hide the pain of the severe blistering. 

Alex stays silent and texts someone before setting down his phone and wetting some cloths. He walks over to me and wraps the wet cloth around my feet. He remains quiet but his eyes are full of rage and concern. "Alex." I wince as he accidentally rubs the cloth against one of my blisters. "Sorry." He says looking up at me with a sympathetic smile. 

He pecks my lips and grabs a pouf for me to rest my feet on. We sit in complete silence while I braid his hair. 

We hear a knock at the door and Alex runs to get it. I hear a smooth, deep voice say "Hello son." From the doorway and I immediately know who it is. Normally Alex would make his usual 'i'm not your son.' Retort, but in this situation he just shows our visitor to where I am. 

"Hello Thomas!" Washing waves with his right hand a medical case in the left. "Alex why'd you call Washington its not like I haven't gotten blisters before." I say. "Alex told me it was pretty bad." George says bending down to take off the cloth. When he sees my feet his eyes become as wide as saucers and he lets out a shocked gasp.

 "What on earth did you do that prompted this." He asks, concerned. "112 quads and an hour of doing the same routine 16 times with no break." Alex says gritting his teeth. "How many damn quads we're in one routine." Washington inquires taking of the other piece of cloth. " 3 in the first half." Alex says and Washington nods. "And 4 in the second." Alex adds.


For all those non skater beans out there. 4 quads is a very ambitious routine and the record for most quads in one programme is 5 currently held by Nathan Chen.(His nationals vid is at the top.He is on fire!) In this book Thomas broke Nathans record with six quads in one routine. Currently Lafayette wants to make Thomas try seven with 4 in the last half. Not only is 4 already alot, the last half is often where a skater flunks their technical points because of fatigue. Thomas also holds the record of being the first ever skater to land a quad Axel in competition. A quad Axel is actually 4 and 1/2 rotations. After landing the quad it became Thomas' signature move (Kinda just for bragging reasons.)

The two rant about Lafayette's recklessness while George drains and cleans the blisters out with rubbing alcohol. I yelp loudly when George applies salt solution on the blisters. Alex rushes to my side and squeezes my hand. 

After George Band aids every blister he wraps my feet in bandages. "Thanks wash." I say with a weak smile. "Where did you learn to treat skating blisters." I ask. "Hey, I had my prime skating days too."He replies proudly.

"I'd hardly call them prime." Alex snorts. George shoots him a dirty look before standing up and heading for the door. "No skating till the end of the week. You'll still have 2 weeks after that." He calls before shutting in the door and leaving.

"THATS 6 DAYS!!!!!!!" I scream in anger. "Look. You've got the routine aced." Alex says softly sitting down next to me. "You were overworked and you need to rest otherwise you wont be able to compete." 

I let out a sigh of defeat and lay my head on Alex's lap. He turns on Disney's Hercules and starts to play with my hair. We stay like that until we both slowly drift to sleep.


I hate this chapter because it brings back memories of breaking in new skates DX 

Check out this awesome(ly bad) fan art by one of my best-est friends.



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