The End (But not really)

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I awake to the blaring of my alarm and the smell of maple syrup. "Morning Thom." Alex chirps, setting down a plate of pancakes. " WHERE ARE THE DISKS OF GOODNESS!?" I scream and jump out of bed.

 Alex simply laughs and hands me a stack of pancakes soaked in maple syrup.

"Man if I didn't love you before I certainly do now."

"Yeah, yeah. You need to ready sleeping beauty." He smirks. "You need to be at the rink in an hour for practice and warm up is an hour and a half away."

After finishing a deliciously flat breakfast I pull on my costume and grab my (Still Bedazzled) Club jacket. Yeah, thanks for the rhinestones Laf. They are seriously impossible to pry off.

We walk into the building hand in hand and are greeted by the familiar chill of cold air. "Todays the day Thomas!" Lafayette squeals. "You are making your big comeback and everyone's buzzing about it thanks to Prima coach Lafayette." He says proudly.

"As much as I still hate you laf...thank you." I place a hand on his shoulder. "You really did help me with this journey."

Lafayette stands in shock before applauding loudly and bursting into tears. "I feel so accepted by my child!"

I roll my eyes and step onto the ice to practice while Holds Lafayette. None of the other skaters are here yet. So I take the solitude and use it to my advantage, completing a full run through of my free skate.


"You want me to do 7 quads I just flunked the last one so as to not injure myself you french fuck." I say, folding my arms.

"touche." He nods and walks away.

"I said don't overdo it." Alex whines while doing his hair up. "I don't want you getting hurt."

"Okay mom!" I chuckle, dragging Alex onto the ice.

We once again perform a series of pair skating moves, ignoring our friends and the large amount of paparazzi that start to gather around the rinks edge to watch. Skating with Alex is nothing short of pure ecstasy.

It combines the two things I love most in this world.

We glide off the ice and push through the crowds of people towards the kiss and cry. 

"Quite the show there." Laurens deadpans, glaring daggers at me. "Thanks!" Alex giggles.

God, for such a smart human being he is way too adorably oblivious. I cant believe that kid has the nerve to talk to us after I almost kicked his ass to the curb.

By this point the other skaters have obviously started to arrive. "Welp, time for practice."



The loud speaker announces, blaring even through 'Miranda' blasting through my headphones. The audience erupts in applause once again interrupting my musical.

"Thomas." Alex tugs on my jacket. "After this you're on..."

"Man has it really been that long?"

Im skating last and there is a male representing almost every state before me. Though It seems like only 5 minutes has passed.

I walk out to the main rink area, past the bleachers full of cheering fans and anxious coaches. I remove my jacket and pull off my blade guards (Yes the ones with my face on them.)

Blades: A Jamilton AUWhere stories live. Discover now