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JOHN POV ( spicy:) ) 

For someone so intelligent Alex really is oblivious. 6 bloody years I've had a crush on him and not once has he shown any sign of knowing. 

I pull up to a Starbucks and go to leave the van before Alex stops me. "Get me one." He says with a wink. I let out a small chuckle and head into the Starbucks to order. 

Why is Starbucks just full of people that look dead inside. Seriously everyone looks ready to jump off a building. It kind of scares me. "Trenta black and grande iced mocha for John." The soulless barista yells from the counter. "Thanks!" I beam and head out. 

Jawn. I swear to god Starbucks hires the worst spellers in history. IT'S FOUR FUCKING LETTERS. 

"My love!" Alex whisper-yells from the front seat. I hand him the colossal cup and sit down next to him. "Thanks."

"No problem."
We sit, drinking in silence for a good five minutes before Alex pipes up. "So are you excited or what? Thomas is making a comeback." "Would you shut up about Thomas for once." I shoot back coldly. "D-do I really do it that much?" He asks, looking down at his cup. 

I don't know what I feel with him.

I don't know what to do with him.

I do know what I WANT to do with him.

"Hey, Alex?"

He looks up at me and I do it,

I kiss him.

(Told ya it'd be spicy ;P)

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