chapter five

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*harry's pov*

knock knock knock

I glanced up from where I was sat on the couch, and gazed at the door. I contemplated answering it, but I was busy.

Louis was more important.

Writing to Louis is always more important.

However, as I went to press my pen to the thin paper once again, my thoughts were interrupted by more knocking.

"Bloody hell," I muttered, "can no one else answer the door?"

I shuffled across the cold floor and turned the locks on the door, swinging it open with ease.

My gaze stayed averted to the ground. I had trouble meeting people's eyes these days. For when I did it only resulted in comparing them to the bright blue orbs I had come to know.

(and love)

My thoughts of Louis' eyes were interrupted when the person cleared their throat.

My entire body tensed.

"Hello, Harry."

I looked up. My eyes trailed from the black Vans, up the beautiful legs, lingered momentarily on the exposed knees, and slowly I lifted my head to become level with the being in front of me.

Blue met green.

I tried. I tried to get a sound out but nothing happened.

"L-Lo-Louis?" I spluttered, "Wh-"

"I missed you, Haz," Louis said with a small smile as he cast his eyes down to his feet.

I felt it. I felt it before I could bring myself to move.

My vision blurred, and tears raced down my cheeks.

Louis looked up when he heard me sniffle, his gaze immediately softening.

"Haz, don't cry, I'm here! I never should have left, I'm so sorry," he rushed out as he gathered me into his arms.

God, how I missed him holding me. I wrapped my arms around him, sobbing into his shoulder. Breathing. Just breathing in everything that was Louis. Trying to find his scent. That smell that was so Louis. The fragrance that I would bottle up and keep forever if I was able.

We stood for what seemed like forever, Louis shushing me and whispering sweet nothings into my ear as I cried.

"Haz," he said, pulling back, "I'm sorry. And I have something to tell you."

I sniffled, meeting his gaze as I asked, "Is it bad, Lou? Please don't leave again."

Louis smiled softly, "No, love, it's not bad at all."

"What is it then?"

"Harry," he said, "Harry, Harry, Harry."

"Louis, Louis, Louis," I giggled as he pulled me in for another hug, "What is it?"

"Harry I-" he started, but his confidence faltered.

"You what, Lou?"

"I," he said, growing frustrated with himself, "I-"

"Lou, you can tell me," I pressed, "As long as you don't leave."

He took a deep breath, hugging me to his chest as he whispered softly, "Harry I need you to wake up."

"What?" I asked, pulling away.

"Wake up, Harry. Come on, it's okay." Louis said, his voice growing more distant.

"No! No Louis you said you wouldn't leave! You promised! Don't leave me again!"

"Wake up, Harry," Louis said softly.

I reached out to grasp onto him.


"Harry wake up!"

I opened my eyes and saw Liam staring at me with a worried expression.

"Haz, are you okay?"

"No no no no no!" I cried, "Where's Louis, I want Louis!"

"Harry," Liam whispered sympathetically, "it was a dream, love. I'm sorry."

It was like my world crumbled down around me all over again as I collapsed into Liam's arms.

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