chapter twenty-two

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"Louis, please!"

"No, Harry, we both know this was a mistake. I shouldn't have come back."

Harry blinked away the tears in his eyes, reaching out for Louis.

"Please, no, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry but please don't leave me again!"

"You should've thought about that before you fucking cheated on me."

Louis turned away from the crying boy and picked his duffel bag up from the ground, heading for the door.

"L-Lou, I didn't- they're r-rumors I swear! I w-wouldn't-" Harry choked on a sob, desperately scratching at his arms as he followed Louis to the door.

"Louis just listen,"

"Bye Harry."


Harry stared blankly at the door, tears streaming down his face.

Louis left. Again.

Realization hit him as he slowly crumpled to the floor, tugging on his hair. Sobs shook his body, his fists clenched and toes curled.

"No no no." Harry cried, "No no no. He'll be back. He will, no no no."

His nails raked his face as he scratched over his body, trying to feel something.

"Please, Lou," he whimpered, "you can't leave me again."


"No no no don't leave me."


"I'm sorry."

"Harry wake up!"

Harry felt his eyes snap open, as he looked up to see Niall shaking him.

"N-Niall?" he sniffled, "Wh-where's-"

He looked over to see Louis' side of the bed empty.

His heart sank.

"No no no, Niall where is he?" Harry reached out desperately for his friend's hands, "Where's Louis? No, he can't leave, where is he Niall, where is he?"

Niall stared at him in shock as he broke, tears racing down his pale cheeks.

"Harry, no," Niall rushed, grabbing ahold of the boy's hand, "Louis' not gone, he's at the store. I'm sorry, he didn't want to leave you, Haz, he just needed to get some things. He'll be back."

Harry sniffled, leaning into Niall's touch as he combed his fingers through his curls.

He looked up at the blonde boy through his wet eyelashes, "H-He's not gone?"

Niall's heart sank as he looked at his friend's heartbroken expression.

"No, Haz."

Harry's demeanor visibly changed, and Niall could see the relief flood through his features.

"I'll text him, Haz," Niall said quietly, "will you be okay until he gets back?"

Harry nodded, playing with his fingers and missing Louis.

Niall nodded, patting his shoulder and leaving the room, dragging his feet down the carpeted hallway.

He trudged downstairs, deep in thought, and found Liam and Zayn in the kitchen.

"Hey Niall," Liam said, looking up, "what's wrong, mate?"

Niall shrugged, "Nothing much, I need to text Louis. Harry had a nightmare and freaked out when Lou wasn't there. Thought he had left."

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