Epilogue P.2

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Harry shook his hands nervously, pausing in front of a mirror to ruffle his hair.

"Stop touching it!" Gemma cried, slapping his hand away before readjusting his curls.

"You look so handsome, Harry, it's fine," Anne smiled, running a hand over the boy's arm.

"I want Louis," he whined, staring at his shaky hands. "Can I see him?"

"Absolutely not!" Gemma snapped. "It's like a rule. You can't see each other on the wedding day until the wedding."

Harry bit his lip and blinked back tears. "What if he changes his mind? Mum what if he doesn't want to marry me anymore? Maybe he-"

"Harry stop." Gemma interrupted sternly. "He asked you to marry him. And he's so excited to marry you, he told me."

Harry sniffed as a tear leaked over his eyelid, running down his cheek and leaving a dull ache in his chest. "Please can I see him?"

Anne sighed. "I'll call him."

Harry nodded and put his hands on the back of his neck, watching nervously as his mum dialed Louis' number, before handing the phone to him.


"It's me, Lou."

Louis' breath hitched on the other line. "Hi angel. What's wrong, love? Aren't you excited?"

Harry nodded, but realized Louis couldn't see him. "I'm nervous. You're not going to back out are you?"

"Haz, I've been ready to marry you for years. I promise I won't back out."

Harry sighed shakily. "I want to see you, Lou." He sniffed lightly as hot tears ran down his cheeks.

"Harry I don't think we're supposed to-"


Louis sighed. "I'm on my way, love."

Harry smiled gratefully and hung up. Gemma, who had been listening to the muffled conversation sighed in exasperation.

"I swear," she muttered, "If he wasn't so whipped..."

She whispered under her breath as she rushed around the room, before running back to Harry with a white robe. "He is not seeing your outfit until the wedding."

Harry chuckled a watery laugh and tugged on the robe, just as a rushed knock came at the door.

Gemma sighed and pulled Harry's robe higher before swinging the door open, revealing an annoyed Niall.

"I tried to keep him from coming over, but he's losing his shit because he thinks Harry is upset, so-"

He was interrupted when Louis shoved past him, his hair done in a way that it rested beautifully across his face, brown and fluffy. Harry could see that Lottie had brushed a light highlight over his cheekbones and concealed the slight bags under his eyes, making his face glow. He was wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants, not yet in his suit.

His wide blue eyes searched around the room frantically before landing on Harry.

"Baby," he sighed, pulling him into a hug. "What's wrong?"

Harry sighed, nosing over his collarbone. "I don't want you to change your mind."

Louis chuckled lightly, pulling back to cup Harry's face, while Harry rested his hands on Louis' hips.

"I'm so excited to marry you, love. I asked you, why would I back out now? I can't imagine being with anyone other than you forever, Harry." Louis smiled, his eyes sparkling.

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