chapter thirty-one

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"Harry, do you want to come with me to the store?"

Harry sighed, looking up from his book to see Niall standing at his feet.

"M' waiting on Lou to get home."

Niall groaned, reaching forward to prod at his foot. "He won't be back for a bit. And you'll be all alone and bored here anyways."

"Where's Liam and Zayn?" Harry asked, confused.

"You really pay no attention," Niall tutted, shaking his head. "Liam's visiting his mum's and Zayn is out with Perrie. They wanted to see each other before tour."

Harry held back a grin at the thought. They finally got to board their old tour bus tomorrow. Despite how cramped it could get, he was looking forward to it.

"M'kay, I'll go."

Niall cheered, rushing over to the door to grab his keys while Harry pulled on his shoes.


"Do you want some pineapple?"

Harry squinted at Niall, and cocked his head slightly. "Why would I want pineapple?"

The blonde boy bit his lip, not containing his grin. "Just wondering."

"Okay," he sighed, reaching to grab a carton of strawberries.

"Let's go to checkout number ten, there's barely a line there," Niall spoke, already walking.

Harry followed behind, rolling his eyes at the boy's rush.

Of course they didn't make it to the checkout without giving an autograph.


"Niall you could at least help," Harry rolled his eyes, sliding his strawberries onto the top shelf of the refrigerator.

"Okay, okay," he sighed, getting up from the kitchen chair. He grabbed the last item from the bags, a box of granola bars, and tossed it into the pantry.

"Why we went shopping the day before tour is beyond me," Harry muttered, shaking his head as he threw an empty bottle from the counter into his recycling bin.

"Tour bus snacks, Harry," Niall spoke with a deadpanned face, "bus snacks."


"Anyways," Niall grinned, drawing out the "ay" sound. "I'm going to head out. M' going to Liam's mum's house, told her I'd stop by. Figure I may end up staying the night there with Liam."

Harry nodded, not questioning it. Their mothers were all like parents to each of the boys.

"Have fun."

"You too," Niall winked, before grabbing what Harry assumed was his overnight bag from the couch and walking swiftly out the front door, locking it behind him.

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. Why do I already miss Louis, he thought to himself, dragging his feet slowly up the stairs, it's probably annoying, me being so clingy and all.

He stopped when he heard a small sound come from his bedroom.

"Lou," he called out shakily. "Louis are you home?"

No sound followed, leaving an uneasy feeling in his stomach. He crept forward slowly, and wrapped his hand softly around the doorknob.

He flung the door open, shrieking as he saw Louis sitting cross-legged on their bed.

"You scared the shit out of me-" he stopped his thought, eyes widening at the sight in front of him.

Rose petals were thrown carefully over the bedspread, which was made up neatly, but still had a few large wrinkles in it. A few petals had fallen on the floor and one of the three lavender candles next to the bed had gone out, leaving thin wisps of smoke to travel through the air.

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