chapter twelve

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The doctors took Harry away, and he is getting his stomach pumped. The four lads can only sit in the waiting room, sick with worry, and wait.

Niall, Liam, and Zayn watch Louis with worried stares as he continues to bury his face in his hands and sob, murmuring incoherent insults at himself.

"Mate," Liam says softly, moving Louis' hands from his face, "calm down. Harry wouldn't want you to beat yourself up. And it won't do any good for Haz either. We just need to wait."

Louis nods miserably, and spots other groups of people worriedly waiting for news regarding their loved ones.

He leans his head back in the chair, silently praying that all of the families, including him and the boys, leave the hospital happy.


Louis is awoken by Niall shaking him gently.

"Hmm?" Louis murmurs groggily, "What is it? Is Harry okay?"

Niall gives him a half smile and gestures to the doctor.

Louis looks up and his body immediately starts trembling with nerves.

"I-Is he okay, sir? I-Is he going to b-be alright?"

The doctor gives him a sweet smile before nodding.

All boys sigh happily at once. Louis feels guilty that Harry's mum, Anne, isn't there, but she is on her way, just had to book a plane to get there, as she lives far.

"We had to pump his stomach," the doctor said, "and if you had gotten to him any later he wouldn't have made it. He isn't awake yet, but one of you may go in and see him."

The boys, of course, all want to see Harry, but Liam, Zayn, and Niall immediately look at Louis as if to tell him he needs to go sort things out first.

Yes, Louis thinks, I need to be there when he wakes up.


Louis nervously enters the little room labeled "627" and his heart breaks at the sight.

Harry- his Harry- is plugged up to different machines, with an IV in his arm. He looks so frail in the hospital gown.

Louis chokes back another sob as he takes a seat next to Harry's bed, and grabs his hand.

He clutches Harry's hand with two of his, and presses his face into it.

"Harry." he murmers, "Harry, Harry, Harry. I love you so much, Harry. I'm so sorry. I should never have left. And I should have come back. I'm so so so sorry for being such a coward, love, I was just-"

His speech is cut short as he feels a small squeeze on his hand.

"Harry? Hazza?" Louis calls out nervously, scared he was imagining things.

He wasn't.

Harry gave a small groan and squeezed Louis' hands as he opened his eyes.

Louis sees his breath visibly hitch.


Louis smiles softly, "Yeah Haz, I'm here. I'm right here. And I'm never leaving again."

"B-but," Harry stutters, "why?"

Louis gives a sad chuckle.

"Baby I'm so sorry for leaving you. It was a mistake. Everything I said that night was a mistake and I wish I could go back and undo it all. I've missed you so much. But the idea of admitting my feelings scared the shit out of me and-"

"What?" came Harry's small voice.

Louis, blushed, realizing what he just confessed.

"Y-Yeah, Haz," he breathed, "I really love you. I know I haven't acted like it, but I couldn't accept myself yet. I love you so much Harry. And...and when I thought I was going to lose you, I didn't just picture you gone. My life was gone. My everything. Because you are my life, Haz. And I'm so so sorry."

Harry gave him a small, tentative smile.

"I forgive you Lou. Just, please, pinch me."

"Why would I pinch you, love?" Louis asks him.

"Because," Harry answers, "I need to make sure I'm not dreaming."

"I won't pinch you, love," Louis says, "but I can do this."

And with that, Louis leaned over and engulfed Harry into his arms, letting the boy snuggle into him.

He breathed in Harry's scent, everything that was Harry.

"I really do love you, Haz," Louis murmurs against his neck, "so much."

Harry gives a content sigh, "I love you, Blue."

"I'm so sorry, Haz."

"I know you are, Lou."

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