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They woke up that morning to the sound of knocking on the door.

"Crow, dude," Lance replied in a low groan as Shiro began to move, "room service, this early?"
"It's half past nine, Lance," Shiro replied with a rough laugh, causing Lance to huff and roll over, "and I may have pre-booked breakfast? I had a feeling we'd be too tired to wake up in time."
Across the bed, one sceptical eye cracked open. "Breakfast? Can I eat it in bed?"
"Why not?"
With a stretch, Shiro rose to go answer the door, leaving Lance to roll over once again and bury his face in the pillow. When he opened the door, the same receptionist from yesterday was smiling apologetically, before pushing a large silver platter into his hands, piled high with pastries, pancakes, and a few covered plates of what he assumed was hot food.

"It looks good," Lance called eagerly as Shiro shut the door and placed the platter on the table by the wall, "I'm calling first dibs."
With a dramatic sigh, Shiro fell back into a chair. "I guess I'll go hungry then."
"Rude!" Lance called out, clicking his tongue as he slid off the bed to assess the platter, "what should I leave you? One bagel, or one cinnamon roll?"
"One of everything would be nice."
Cheekily, Lance peeked unter the hot plate covers. "So, you only want one hash brown and only one rasher of bacon? That's fine, I can eat five hash browns, just watch-"
"Lance," Shiro butted in, moving to hip check Lance as he reached over for one of the pastry plates, "as much as I believe in your skill, you're not touching my hash browns."
"Are you sure?" Lance asked, voice suddenly syrupy and eyes big.

And damn, did Lance look pretty when he did that, and Shiro was a weak, weak man-

"Hands off my hash browns!"
Lance laughed, loud and genuine, as he hastily slammed the lid back on the hot plate, pulling Shiro away from the table and back towards the bed. Before he could push Shiro against the bed, Shiro turned, pinning Lance under him against the edge of the bed, and kissing him soundly on the lips.
He tasted of sleep and buttery pastry, and Shiro discovered he could easily get addicted to this.
"Well, someone slept well," he heard Lance say as he pulled back momentarily, "I guess I did say I wanted breakfast in bed-"
"This is your fault," Shiro shot back breathlessly, poking a finger into his chest, causing Lance to gasp, scandalised.
"My fault?" He asked, exaggerated grin on his face, "how could this ever be my fault?"
"You did the thing," Shiro explained, moving his hands to sit on Lance's hips, "you know, the thing where you make your eyes go big, like a puppy."
"Puppy-dog eyes?"
"Yeah, that."
Lance laughed loudly, wrapping his arms around Shiro's shoulders. "If you're gonna' kiss me like that every time I make puppy-dog eyes at you, I'm gonna start doing it more often, you know that?"
"Well, now I do," Shiro said, and moved in to kiss Lance again until a hand shoved his face away.
"Dude," Lance forced through laughter at Shiro's exaggerated pouts, "the food's gonna' go cold."
"The bed's gonna' go cold."
A finger pressed against his lips. "We can warm the bed up again later, but I don't see a microwave anywhere."
With a sigh, Shiro sat up, no longer pinning Lance to the bed. "Fine," he said with a huff, "but you're making up for this later."
"A debt I will happily pay," Lance replied with a smirk, "but crow, dude, I'm hungry. Now sit up, or, seriously - stop laughing, Takashi Shirogane - I'm gonna' eat your hash browns."


Once breakfast plates had been cleared, and Lance had pulled him into the walk-in shower with a teasing smile, they were finally ready to hit the beach.
That was, until they realised that Shiro had absolutely nothing to swim in.

"Don't take this the wrong way," Lance asked curiously as they made their way down a sandy trail to a beach shop on the promenade, "but, like, you can swim, right?"
"Babe, of course I can," Shiro replied with a chuckle, "Coran taught me when I was younger, back when we had the swimming pool in the basement. I just forgot my trunks in the rush-"
He was cut off by Lance spluttering and looking at him wildly. "You had a basement pool? As in, past tense? Why would you give up a basement pool?"
"It got too small for me to be useful," he replied with a shrug, "so Mom turned it into a gym that I could actually use."
"Well that explains it!" Lance ran over, and Shiro felt a finger jab into his bicep. "That explains why you're so built!"
An older couple walking past shot them an odd look.
"Lance, right here?" Shiro asked, embarrassed, hoping his flush wasn't too visible.
"Well, excuse me for being in awe of my buff-as-Thor boyfriend," Lance replied with a huff, tossing his head to one side, "now come on, I wanna' see what you look like in Speedos."
"I'm not wearing Speedos!" Shiro shot back, chasing Lance into the shop with a laugh.

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