Its a start

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13 years ago.. I was five years old, excited to rush to my first day of kindergarten. I told my family goodbye as  I hurried out the door and down the street.

I didnt yet know about my hue or how important it was to stay composed at all times. My family had raised me on the outskirts of town letting  me play acting as if we lived in a world exempt from the Sybil System.

My education and much more the entrance exam was mandatory and there was no more protecting me from it. I hadnt realized there was anything to fear at the time. I was foolish. My heart leapt with excitement of learning, reading and writing, colors and science, and of course making new friends.

When my little legs finally carried me inside the class room I looked in awe. There were so many other students. I eagerly introduced myself to a group of them which had gathered around the desk, "Hiya! Im Shusei Kagari!" I said excitedly. My mom had always told me to always introduce myself with confidence.

The others looked to me strangely and pulled out a contraption. The device scanned me and the kids eyes widened at whatever it read, "W-What is it?" I asked concerned by the way they looked at me as they created a gap between us.

"Ive never seen this color hue on someone so young." A blonde girl said stepping away further.

The boy who stood next to me gave me a look as if I were a monster "Yeah guy, the Sybil System is gonna have a field day with you Red."

"Sybil System?" I asked naively "No my names not Red its Shusei"

The others scoffed "Not like we'll know you long enough to care. Your hue is contaminated. You wont last the day." They replied

I felt myself becoming angry and all the kids stepping further away as I poutily took a seat. A teacher walked in looking over the class. She didnt look at us however, she was reading our hues. She didnt care about the students just their psycho passes.

She stopped and looked dead at me as she pulled out some paper and handed them out to the rest of the class. I watched as they started filling it out. I raised my hand confused "um.. mrs? I didnt get a paper.." i told her knowing she had done it on purpose but hoping to learn why.

She nodded "No you didnt. Dont worry an Inspector will be around to take you where you belong in a moment. I alerted him already."

"I-Inspector?" I asked nervously looking around as my class stared at me. I could feel myself begin to Panic as a older man in a trench coat walked in. He put his hand heavily on my shoulder. "Alright kid lets go." He said gruffly.

My panic increased as I pulled away falling from my desk to the floor in a panic, "N-No! I just wanna go to school and learn. My momma wants me to go home and tell her about my day!" I yelled tearfully. I didnt understand why this was happening.

"Hes resisting arrest. Use your denominator on this criminal." One of my class mates jeered.

The man chuckled, "Im not going to use a denominator on a kid. Thatd be a huge distraction to your studies." He said picking me up against my will. I Struggled but even so he just walked with me.

"Alright Kid, Im sorry about this. I know you had your own thoughts on what school might be like. We already called your mom and told her what had had happened shed worried this would be the case. Im Tomomi  Masaoka by the way. Im an inspector as Im sure you gathered. Your mom may not have told you but everything here is run off your psycho pass. She had hoped you wouldnt be to harshly judged by your hue color but see how that worked out." He said taking me to a small dark cell "Sadly theres no difference in treatment for a young possible criminal and a convicted one. Your family will have one visiting day a year until either your hue becomes cloudless or you reach eighteen. You understand Shusei?" He asked looking to me as I was pushed into my cell.

Everything was becoming clear. I nodded before being sealed away. Every week my mother would visit my father would watch threw the case. The visit would last thirty minutes then id be alone. Food would be slipped in. Tests of pain and stability would be done but no human interaction allowed.

Weeks became months and months became years with no change. Finally the day came when even my parents stopped visiting. I guess watching me get worse was just to painful for them.

I waited til finally it was my eighteenth birthday. Three figures stepped in that i didnt recognize. Two women and one man. The mans voice spoke "Shusei Kagari. You are officially eighteen years old today. It is time for you to have your fate decided. Sybil gives three options so choose wisely. Option one, you remain here, to continue treatment and see if we can uncloud that hue of yours enough to release you to general pop. without fear of you relapsing. Option two, sign your name on the line as a relinquishing of life and let us exterminate you. Or option three, become an Enforcer and be assigned to your own inspector. Youll be given a room and money with food and supervised human contact. The choose is yours dont make me wait all day."

I thought a moment, I had been here for thirteen years. Tortured and left alone because I might have been crazy at five years old. Did I want to be like this for ever? I definitely didnt want to die, though I couldnt really make my mind up as to why. I guess that really only left one option. I stood to my feet, "I, Shusei Kagari, Do accept my placement in the sybil system as an Enforcer." I replied.

This was the beginning. How I became an Enforcer. My next step was to meet my inspector. I was admittedly nervous but this was my path as determined by the Sybil System.

To Be Continued

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