So about last night

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I woke up early the next morning with a stretch. My head throbbed and my stomach felt as though it were in knots. I looked around but Yoshiko was no where to be found. I was startled by this, hopping up to look for her before realizing my clothes where still upon the floor.

I quickly threw something on before looking around, "Yoshiko?" I asked softly but not a sound came back in reply. "Huh.. she must have left I guess."

"Must have kid." A gruff mans voice came from my door way causing me to jump

"Gramps! Dont scare me like that." I barked before blushing softly "what are you doing here?"

He chuckled "heard you got lucky last night boy."

"H-How'd you hear that?" I asked nervously.

With a sigh he shook his head, "You really are hopeless huh? The walls arent sound proof you know?"

My face went completely red "y-you mean you heard us?!?!"

"Oh every word 'Shusei-sama'" he teased as he laughed his ass off.

I couldnt help but wonder who else might have heard. Just then the intercom came on in the hall asking us to report to base. I hurriedly got ready and headed in.

Yoshiko was sitting at my desk already back on our case. I began to walk toward her when Ginoza walked up to her. He smiled to her gently with a hand on her shoulder. She smiled back to him as they exchanged some sort of  words before he departed.

I took my seat beside her leaning back a bit with a gentle smile "What was that about?" I asked curiously.

Her eyes looked to me cold. "Its none of your business mutt." She replied.

"Huh? Yoshiko? Are you mad at me?" I asked confused. She had never been so cruel before. I truly couldnt understand what was going on with her.

"Thats inspector Tsunamori. Enforcer Kagari get to work. My personal life is none of your concern." She growled

I looked to her a bit shocked. Honestly I had no idea what to even say to that. Was this the same Yoshiko I knew? "Didnt feel like 'none of my concern' last night." I growled as I got tow work not realizing Ginoza was still just a few feet away.

He looked up and over to Yoshiko, "What is he on about Tsunamori?" He asked seriously.

Her eyes shifted with anger toward me as she looked to Ginoza, "Its nothing to be concerned with. Hes just a dog whos forgotten his place." She said coldly. My heart ached at the sound of her words. Could she really mean that.

Ginoza's hand then landed on my head, "is that so? Nothing to be concerned with? What do you think Kagari? Should I be concerned?"

A cold chill flew threw my body but no turning back now. I stood to my feet boldly brushing his hand off me. "Yeah Ginoza, turns out we arent so different after all. We seem to have something in common."  I said clearing my throat.

The dark haired male straightened his glasses looking to me "Oh? What might that be?"

"Kagari! Shut up!" Yoshiko ordered but it was to late.

"Yeah seems like we both like fucking Yoshiko." I replied to him with a smirk. His eyes widened slightly in shock before he looked to her.

In that moment a bright blue light shown , "Sybil system online. Hue Red setting to stun." A calm voice spoke before i understood what was happening.

I tried to make my body move but it was to late. I was hit the air knocked from my lungs before I was out cold.

I woke up in a haze. My whole body ached. Looking around the gleaming white room I realized I was in a hospital. I heard the door slide open and in stepped Yoshiko.

I smiled brightly at first to see her. I was so glad she was the first person i saw but then as she looked down it came back to me about why i was here. My head sank almost as low as my heart.

"Im glad youre okay Shusei..." she said softly.

"Oh? Now we're on first name basis again? You wanna do me a favor and write out the rules so I know when I can care and when Ill get shot for it?" I snarled.

She looked down, "Im sorry Shusei. Will you hear me out?"

"Not like I can go anywhere." I replied my eyes avoiding hers.

She sighed deeply before sitting on my bedside. "I am supposed to be an enforcer not an inspector. My hue has been to clouded for my job for some time... to be honest... Im not even sure why I keep it hidden. I avoid sybil system check points and reprogram my psycho pass every three hours to read clear. I maintain a relationship with Ginoza for the soul purpose of the fact he would never be with an enforcer so no one would look into me to see if I should be one. Or well that was the intention. I had never thought I would find true feelings though... As for that night, I meant every word. I do love you Shusei. And you've put an end to Ginoza and I so... if  you are still in love with me... i mean..." she blushed nervously.

I looked to her. She had been crying it appeared but was it because she didnt like losing him? Maybe she was scared? Or was it she actually worried for me? I coudlnt figure her out. I wanted more than anything to reach out to her hand but could I trust her? She had hurt me so much already. I blushed as i felt her hand in mine. My hand moved on its own. Looks like regardless I was in for the long haul.

She smiled gently before embracing crying softly. "I promise Shusei. From now on, we will be transparent to one another no matter what."

I nodded holding back tears as i held her. I couldnt believe this was real.

She nodded "Shusei, can I ask you one favor though..."

I looked to her "what is it?" I asked tilting my head.

"I need you to act like we broke up at work. Like youre just an enforcer and Im your inspector. If you dont Ill lose my job and have to become an enforcer too." She said softly.

I was quiet for a moment before nodding softly. I wasnt really wanting to agree but, if this is what she needed I was willing to go threw with it for her. "Im your guy Yoshiko." I replied softly.

She smiled, "Thank you Shusei. Get well soon. We gotta get back on our case. Dont wanna let that bastard slip away right?" She said wiping excess tears away.

I smirked before thinking about it, "how long was I out?" I asked

"Three days." She replied kissing my cheek before heading back into the hall.

My head was in a swirl but the whole conversation exhausted me. My eyes instantly closed as I drifted back to sleep.

To be continued 

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