and now the job begins

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The next morning i awoke early and headed into the burrow. I took a seat at my desk as i began to look threw the files one of the inspectors had piled up there. 

"Goodmorning dogs." Tsunamori's voice chirped as she and the other enforcers stepped into the office, "Hard at work already I see?" She said pulling up a chair beside me and petting my head.

"You gotta be so affectionate, Tsunamori?" A dark haired inspector said pushing his glasses back.

She merely giggled, "I havent done anything wrong Ginoza." She replied smugly. "So what are our assignments today?" She asked excitedly.

Inspector Masaoka, the same man who had brought me here all those years ago simply smiled, "you and the pup can run paper work then maybe he can do some training for the field."

She sighed heavily before nodding "okay." She replied.

The next several hours were very quiet and boring. She showed me how to inter information into the sybil system. Recording crimes and the status of those in custody. File after file some where boring and tedious like someone with an urge to steal stopped and stunned  while others seemed more intense like someone on the run after mass rape and homicide terminated by the dominator of an enforcer. Then there were the logs that just seemed to relatable.. young children decided their fates before they even knew anything about it.

We finally finished the paper work and with a large stretch from  Tsunamori she flashed a smile. "Now the fun stuff can start. Lets go Kagari." She said walking me into a training room. It had a lot of space and a lot of exercise equipment.

"Change out of the suit baka. If you wanna train you need a better outfit."she said as she walked into the girls locker room to change herself.

I went to the adjacent room and changed myself. When i emerged she was sporting shorts and a tank top where as i had shorts and a white tshirt. She turned up the heat with a sadustic smile, "Alright Shuusei its time we begin!"

And just like that we were on the machines having competitions to see who could run faster, lift more, climb higher. To be honest our work out was more like a childish game. It was a lot of fun. She smirked to me "man youre pretty good Kagari. Hehe im surprised you put up such a good challenge. Im struggling to keep up."

"Heh its nothing Tsunamori" I replied softly.

"Well lets spar!" She said punching at me playfully.

I blushed softly, i had never fought with a girl before.. did she really expect me to hit her?

She rolled her eyes "im being serious Kagari. Fight me."

I nodded obediently swinging but i pulled it a bit before contacting her body. I didnt want to hurt her. She seemed so small and fragile. She glared though at my action hitting me as hard as she could in the ribs "Dont pull your attacks!" She scolded taking out my ankle with a swift kick causing me to land on the floor.

"Your opponents will be crazed maniacs and they wont care about your gender or size. You hesitate and you or your team mate could die." She said very seriously before swiftly kicking at my head.

I rolled out of the way in time but she still grazed me. She was really not letting up. I got to my feet just in time to evade her next strike. The girl which seemed so fragile a moment ago truly showed she was a fierce warrior.

I tried  my best to keep up to strike her and still block her attacks. We brawled like this for what felt like hours before she called it handing me a water bottle which i downed quickly. "Tomorrow we'll go again so be ready."

"Inspector Tsunamori?" I asked as i caught my breathe

"Hm?" She asked looking to me as she wiped the sweat from her forehead with a towel.

I thought of how to phrase my question before looking to her thoughtfully "If we use the dominator to handle those we bring in to the investigation burrow, why do we need to  practice hand to hand combat and stuff?"

She thought a moment before looking to me with a smile "In a game of chess do you only use one strategy everytime to win the game or do you formulate many ways to win with lots of variables that you can change at the moment theyre needed? In short why would we only have one move to play? You have to be ready because we simply dont know what each target will do. Understand?"

I nodded though admittedly the whole analogy  was lost on me.

She smiled "good. Now i better shower me and the inspectors are going for a drink. Night Kagari." She said disappearing from sight.

I sighed tiredly as i headed toward my room. Suddenly however i felt a hand grab me, "hey kid." He said gruffly looking to me. He had silver hair and bright gray eyes to match. I hadnt caught his name but from the looks of it he was Kogamis enforcer.

"Hm? Whats up?" I asked looking to him curiously.

"My boss left with the others and i was watching you and the little lady spar... You want some pointers?" He asked.

"What do I need pointers for I kicked her ass." I huffed defensively.

He shook his head "yeah she was holding back. Come on kid."

I reluctantly agreed to the man i would refer to as "gramps" offer. He and I began training as he corrected my stance and form. He even showed me ways to take down most any opponent. His blows were strong and before the end of it we were going all out covered in welts blood and sweat panting as we fought. I was surprised but it was actually a lot of fun hanging out with him.

As we finished he smirked proudly ruffling my hair. "Now if that dont impress the girl i dont know what will." He said with a gruff chuckle.

I blushed deeply "wh-what?!? What makes you think i want to impress her?" I asked nervously.

He shook his head "no man tries this hard for a job that he has to do against his will. You just wanna impress the girl. Dont play dumb with me kid."

"Well.. so what if i do gramps? Not like i have a chance. She would definitely rather have an inspector.. Ginoza seems to have his eye on her..." i replied softly

He laughed softly "well yeah everyone likes her shes a very hard worker, shes smart and kind and level headed, youd be a fool not to like her. I dont know though kid, you might have a chance. Theres always hope." He told me placing a hand on my shoulder, "thats one thing the sybil system can never take away, hope." He said before walking away toward his room

I went back to my room before hopping in my shower. I hadnt thought much of hope for some many years now but maybe gramps was right... maybe it was time i had a little hope.

My body ached and trembled from all i put it threw. As i collapsed into bed after my shower i was unconscious before i was even sure my head had hit its pillow.

To be continued...

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