so this is love

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Inspector Tsunamori wasted no time as she over took my kitchen. I watched her a bit anxiously as she searched threw my food. I wasnt used to having anyone with in my home.

She paused thinking a moment before pulling out some pasta and choosing some tomatoes and spices. "You like Spaghetti, right?"

I nodded "Yeah I think so. I mean Ive never had it before."

She shook her head "Man they really dont give you shit down in the containment center do they?"

I pouted softly, "i guess not.." i replied unsure of what she meant.

She wasnt paying me any mind as she began to cook the pasta and create the sauce. After a few minutes she turned to me, "you dont have any alcohol here?"

"Im underaged!" I replied defensively. It was like she suddenly wanted to pick me apart or something.

She rolled her eyes "As if thats stopped anyone before. Keep stirring the food and dont let it burn. Ill be right back."

I did as she asked as she disappeared into the hall. Moments later she returned with a bottle of Sake. "I found this in the office. Itll do." She informed me pouring us each several shots. She served our plates and we began to share the meal together.

The Italian meal was unlike any I had tasted before. It was so different from most Japanese styled foods I was accustomed to.

"Do you like it?" She asked curiously, her eyes focused on me.

I nodded "Oh yeah, its really good Inspector Tsunamori."

She giggled "We're off the clock Shusei, please, call me Yoshiko."

I blushed softly and nodded "Yeah Okay Yoshiko."

The meal went on for a while. We began to drink the sake and as we did the conversation seemed to roll from topic to topic.

We talked about her childhood and her family, about how she and her mother didnt get along and how no one knew how her hue stayed so clear. About how she and her friends used to go shopping together and about how she was unsure shed make a good inspector when the sybil system selected her. We talked about my parents and how it was growing up in solitary confinement, how scared I was to become an enforcer, and how relieved I was to work with her.

She giggled about that. As the night went on we continued drinking and talking. Things got really deep. Or maybe they just felt that way. Before I knew what was going on I felt her cuddling up against me. My head was hazy and the room had started to spin

She giggled softly, "I feel so safe with you Shusei hehe. Youre so sweet and sensitive. So easy to talk to."

I blushed wrapping an arm around her "R-Really?" I asked confused. Could Gramps be right? Was she really into me?

She nodded and then I knew he was right as I felt her lips against my neck. My face glew red as she trailed her finger tips up my chest. "Shusei, " she whispered seductively, "I want you."

"T-To do what?" I asked nervously. Was she seriously crazy enough to want to sleep with a monster like me?

Her laugh was as intoxicating as the alcohol, "You're so innocent Shusei, here baby boy, I'll walk you threw it." She whispered caressing my cheek. Her eyes drew me in as I kissed her deeply.

I felt her arms wrap around my neck deepening the kiss and not letting go. A soft moan escaped my lips as she embraced me. Her legs wrapped around my waist as my hands wondered down her body. I placed them on her ass lifting her up as she continued to kiss me.

I laid her into bed kissing her deeply, pushing her hair from her face. My god she was so beautiful. My entire body felt as if it were on fire as we embraced each other i felt her remove my shirt her nails trailing down my back as I teased her body, my hands massaging her breasts.

Her soft moans  Melodically filled the air as both our clothes gradually disband from our bodies and migrated to the floor. Our two beings formed to one as we embraced and thrust together. Our lips locked in passionate ecstasy as we explored each others vulnerable bodies.

As they reached climax the two lie panting softly. Yoshiko rested her head on my chest as I played with her hair. "H-How was that?" I asked nervously, after all, it was my first time for... anything.

She nuzzled against me softly, "Not sure if its just the sake talking but I may be falling for you Shusei." She replied

I looked to her shocked the sudden movement making my head throb from the alcohol that was now wearing off, "Are you serious?!?"

She smirked "I said maybe. I reserve my right to change my mind as I see fit. Besides I still need to end things with Nobuchika if that's true."

"Who?" I asked confused

"Oh right. Um Ginoza. Inspector Ginoza." She replied softly.

"Youre dating Ginoza and you just slept with me?" I asked moving myself to create some space. Inforcer Ginoza already was kind of an ass and I wasnt looking forward to experiencing him pissed when he found out his girl cheated on him with me.

"Why are you acting so weird Shusei?" She said with a light slur.

I couldnt believe she had slept with me while with Ginoza.. could i trust her at all? Did she even care about me? I just shook my head, "Its nothing.. I gotta go." I replied getting up from the bed

Suddenly her hand reached me pulling me back into bed, "Dont leave Shusei... Im sorry..." She said with a sniffle tears streaming down her face as she clung to me, "i should have told you. I shouldnt have come... but i cant get you out of my head and I just wanted to spend a little longer with you.. im sorry Shusei.. i love you.. please dont pull away from me." She said clinging.

Her words pulled at my heart and very soul as I held her in the quiet of the night "Yoshiko dont cry... I- I love you too." I told her softly.

Was this love? I had never experienced it before but I knew people did crazy things for the ones they love so maybe that was the case? I couldnt be bothered to think all this threw. I looked down in my arms and smiled softly as Yoshiko slept against me. It might be okay, I mean enforcer Ginoza cant keep her from me. She loves me. Right?

To be continued...

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