32 | reality + messages

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I AGREE. There is a difference between being weak, and being strong, Cyrus would like to tell his father someday, even though the man has been dead for six years. You've just never found out which actions are which.

Being weak would include not doing anything about a bad situation. His mama was almost weak, but he can remember the day they left him — when they left their bad situation, him and his mama and his five older sisters. And she — they — were strong.

So Cyrus filed a restraining order.


“Cyrus,” Micah says, his voice shaky, and Cyrus never really thought about how Micah would react. “Cyrus, you're such a — Fuck.”

Cyrus laughs, softly. “I'm fine, Micah. He — It's over. I'm — He's nothing — ”

“You were — When did it start?” he demands. “You were with him for — for two damn months, Cyrus, two damn months, and — Just...”

Cyrus hugs Micah for the first time in their three years of tight friendship.



look tom
sent 12:21am

i've been texting you for five days with no response while going through some pretty shitty stuff
sent 12:22am

i don't know why you aren't responding
sent 12:23am

and shit it might be your pettiness finally coming out since i was ignoring you for a few weeks
sent 12:24am

but tom i really really miss talking to you
sent 12:25am

and please forgive me for being such an asshole
sent 12:26am

i swear i have my reasons and if you really want to know i'll tell you but i just
sent 12:27am

i kind of want my not so normal life back
sent 12:28am

i'm going to L.A. in two days
sent 12:30am

we can talk when i get there if you want
sent 12:31am

sent 12:31am

sent 12:33am

let's do that
sent 12:33am

sent 12:34am


[ i'm sleep-deprived and procrastinating so i decided to maybe fix these two up ]

ASSHOLE, tom holland ✓Where stories live. Discover now