+1 | birthday boy

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this soft boy is turning 22 today, so i wrote up a really short 100% fluff extra chapter out of my own personal indulgence. thought you'd all want to read it, too! make sure to go give tom a happy, happy birthday!

written may 27, 2018


the extra chapter


Tom frowned as he scrolled through his and Cyrus' - his boyfriend's, his - messages.

All read, no reply.

Harrison groaned. "He still hasn't responded, has he?"

Tom gnawed his lip. "I'm just worried. He hasn't spoke to me in three days, and..."

Well, tomorrow is his birthday. And Tom kind of wanted to at least get a FaceTime from his boyfriend. He misses him.

"Well, don't be! See," Harrison hummed, turning his phone to show a picture on Snapchat of Cyrus eating gross plane food on a plane. "He's going on a photography trip. No worries, he's fine!"

That made Tom just a bit more upset. Okay, a lot. He attempted to put on a brave face, hiding his hurt.

Harrison just winced. "That was the wrong thing to say, wasn't it? Dammit, this is why Zendaya and Jacob deal with this type of stuff."

Tom just sighed, stomping off to his room to mope.


"Thomas! Tom, it's your birthday!" Harrison was yelling at him. "You're 22, now!"

Tom just threw a pillow at where his voice was generally coming from. By the little 'oof' he heard, he had hit his target.

Ever since late last night, his phone had been dinging with notifications from various countries and continents granting him happy birthdays and well wishes, and as much as he was grateful and felt all warm inside at the fact that so many people gave him such sweet words, he couldn't help but feel as if he was diving into an bottomless pit as he saw that each notification wasn't from Cyrus.

Tom whined into his pillow, burying himself deeper.

"Tom!" Harrison complained, jumping onto the bed next to him. "Come on, mate, your mum is coming over in like two hours, get showered and dressed, I wanna get crêpes."

Tom shot him a dirty glare. "I'm never moving from this spot."

Harrison nudged his side.

Tom punched his leg.

Harrison kicked his leg.

Tom shoved his side.

Harrison attempted to tickle him.

Tom shoved him off the bed.

"What the hell!" Harrison protested from the ground, and that made Tom give the tiniest laugh as he rolled over to help Harrison up.

"Sorry, sorry," Tom apologized. "I just... He still hasn't texted me back."

Harrison nodded in understanding, but still scowled and punched his shoulder. "I'm sure there's an explanation, Tom. Don't worry so much. Now, come off it, let's get out."

Tom just sighed before dragging himself off to the bathroom.


"Your mum's here!" Harrison called from the front. Tom glanced at his and Cyrus' conversation again, gritting his teeth. No reply.

"Let her in then, why don't you?" Tom called back. He gave his head a scratch before getting up to see his mother and brothers.

Tom mustered up a grin as he turned the corner to greet his family. "Hey, m - "

He paused.

Behind his mum, Cyrus gave him a shit-eating grin.

Tom beamed and barreled into his boyfriend. Cyrus' shoulders shook underneath Tom's arms, and Tom huddled closer to his warmth.

"Hey, Tommo," Cyrus murmured into his hair, voice a soft reassurance - like he knew just what Tom has been thinking for the past four days. He probably does. Cyrus just knows him like that.

"Cy," Tom breathes out. "Cy - I - " He pulls away. "What are you doing here, you idiot?"

"You wound me," Cyrus complains, but he's smiling as bright as the sun, and Tom keeps staring even though he knows his eyes will hurt soon. "And I'm here for you. And your mum. You keep on ranting about how we need to meet, so... So, we pulled this off."

"Speaking of your mum," Nikki, Tom's mother, says behind the two. "She's feeling a little neglected from her first born right now."

Cyrus laughs, and Tom flushes. "Mum, honestly..."

Time seems to flash a bit, and soon Tom feels Cyrus - his boyfriend, his - sink into his side as they scroll through the silly Instagram comments of their latest posts together as night begins to fall and his mum and brothers leave.

Cyrus keeps on shooting little glances at the sweater Tom adorns, his cheeks flushed. Along with various souvenirs he'd picked up from his career trips, he gave Tom a red, clumsily sewn sweater with a tiny spider and camera on the left breast that he - Cyrus, his boyfriend - had made himself back when he was with his sisters and mum a couple of months ago.

Tom's fairly certain he will never remove it from his body.

Tom sighs, happily. "Hi, Cyrus."

Cyrus laughs at him, snuggling closer to him. "Heyo, Tommo."

"I'm glad you're here," Tom tells him softly.

Cyrus nods, then lifts his head to look at Tom, seriously. "I've wanted to be here since the April 26th LA Infinity War Premiere that I didn't get to see you at."

"Oh no," Tom groans, grinning, because this isn't the first time since the premiere that Cyrus has gone off about Infinity War. He was in tears directly after the movie, not that Tom could tell anyone that - he's been sworn to secrecy.

"Tom, it's not a joke, this is real, this actually happened - the Russo brothers are shit, the MCU writers are shit, and Peter fucking Parker deserves better than this - "

Tom just laughs until his chest hurts.

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