Shadow In The Wind[Chris Brown]

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I looked down as the harsh winds blew across my face. I just got off work at King of Diamonds. I don't strip, I'm a bartender. And it makes probably the same money as the new strippers, a lot of men come and give me tips thinking I'm going to do something special. It's pretty funny when I tell them no. I've only actually stripped twice only cause they were running low on girls cause it was as if everyone was getting sick.

I looked both ways before crossing the road. I waited at the bus stop by a little park. It was going to be a while but it's cool. I've never knew Miami got cold. This is new to me. I looked around taking in every aspect of my surroundings before playing a game on my phone. I stopped mid game because I heard something or should I say lack there of...silence. Miami is always turnt. Man this bus need a come on. I would have a car but all my money has been going to my bills and college. Growing up is hard as hell. My daughter will not have to go through this when she gets older. Yeah I have a daughter. She's five years old as of two weeks ago. Her name is Kiara. She's everything to me. So imagine taking care of myself, my baby, paying bills, and putting myself through college AND her babysitting fees. THE SHIT IS HARD. But anything to get where I want to go. I'm studying at FIU in Miami. Yes, trying to be a doctor.

I looked at a street light as it repeatedly flashed, hate when things flash repeatedly it messes with my eyes. Well then again they are sensitive. I exited the game and went to instagram. I went to this guy's page that I followed a few days ago. His name was Chris Brown. And Lord he was sexy. Light skin, Brown eyes, pink lips. And he dressed good af. I looked up quick as I heard a footstep. Nothing was there. Now I'm not crazy.

"Nice to see I have your follow."

I looked around but didn't see anyone. Soon I a wave of chills rolled down my spine, I shivered. Soon a loud scent of mint crashed into my face as if someone was right in front of me with minty breath. I sat back and ran my hand through my hair. Its not my breath because my breath smells like the onions I just had on my burger. I looked around and didn't see anyone or thing. I looked to my left. And to my right. Nothing.

"You can feel my presence? Hmph, you're pretty special."

I put my hands over my ears. I'm hearing shit. I shook my head and blinked a couple of times.

"I'm over here going crazy!" I said aloud."No you're not, I'm here with you." the manly voice said. "Stop talking to me!!!" I yelled. "Ma'am? Are you ok?"

I looked up and saw the bus in front of me. The driver had gotten off and was now in front of me.

"Are you riding tonight sweetheart?" He asked. I nodded and quickly gathered my things. I sat in the back by myself. What the fuck was that saying shit. I was about to just call a uber because I have to get on another bus, after this one, to get near my house. Ugh I need a car. Soon I got off and sat on the bench trying to recollect myself.

"Why are you trying to run from me?"
"W-who are you? Where are you? Why can't I see you?" I said looking around, still not sure where the fuck this voice was coming from. "Am I scaring you? I'm not trying to." The manly voice replied. "If-if I could see you, I wouldn't be scared." I said hoping that someone would show up so I knew I wasn't going crazy.

Soon a breeze came and brushed my skirt up I tried pushing it down but it was as if something was permitting me from doing so. Soon it was as if I felt someone's finger brush against my underwear. I choked on my spit.

"I'll show you who I am if you let me touch you." The voice proposed a deal. I moved my hand and just let whatever the hell was happening, happen. I felt my panties slide aside then, I felt two fingers find their way inside me.

"Damn baby, your a bit tight." The voice said. I bit my lip, "It's been a while." I said

I'm possibly getting finger fucked by a ghost. What the actual fuck. Soon I felt a warm and wet item touch me. I felt pressure on my lower half as if someone's hand was slightly pressing on my lower stomach. I moaned as my back arched. My body slowly started to shake.

"Cum for me." He said. Almost immediately, my body released the tension it was holding deep within me. I squeezed my eyes shut and let my high come down. Another breeze came and I opened my eyes and saw a man smirking at me. I looked at his hand and saw his fingers soaked. I looked back at his face. His eyes were gold. He smiled showing off his sharp teeth before I could say anything, everything went black.


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