One More Time (Part Four)

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(Ashley Pov)

I walked back upstairs with my water after talking to Kaylan. Just before I walked into my room someone called my name. I looked over and saw Keith in the doorway. He had on black basketball shorts, a white t-shirt and some slides. "What's up?" I asked "Do you mind riding somewhere with me." I was going to protest but I figured he probably didn't have his glasses and he can see but not as well as he could with them. "Let me get my shoes." He nodded, "I'll be downstairs."

I grabbed my shoes, phone and wallet before kissing Odell on his cheek and leaving. I walked downstairs seeing Keith sitting on the couch. "You ready?" He asked. I nodded and followed him outside. I hopped up in his jeep after he opened my door. He began driving away from the house.

I unlocked my phone and scrolled through Instagram. "What's been up with you?" He asked. I shook my head, "Nothing much, working." He nodded, "What do you do now? You always posting a picture in a new place." He chuckled. I nodded, "I've been doing a couple things. Event planning, modeling, hosting." He nodded.

"I'll be right back." He said pulling in to CVS. I nodded and locked the doors as soon as he shut his. I liked some pictures that my friends posted, caught up on some tea, then took a quick selfie and posted it on my Instagram.

I heard a tap on the window and looked over seeing Keith. I quickly unlocked the doors and grabbed the bags he handed over to me. "You know good and damn well you don't need all these snacks." I said. He laughed and buckled his seat belt. "That's why I have you with me." He said.

We drove to a hotel and I watched as he got out. He looked at me through the windshield and stared back at him. "Come on." He yelled. I hesitated but stepped out and followed him inside. He got a key from the front desk worker and got on the elevator.


I laughed as Keith started doing some of the dances from new edition. It's sad he was apart of the project and still he seems to have no rhythm. "Just stop while you're ahead." I said reaching for his soda. I took a couple gulps before I looked at him. He was already staring back at me.

"I wanted to talk to you. That's why I asked you to go with me." He said sitting on the bed. I turned so I faced him and sat criss-cross, he did the same. "What's up." I said dipping a sour straw in his drink, sipping it slowly. "I heard you and Kay talking earlier. I just wanted to say sorry. For everything, like I felt like shit the whole time we went through the divorce. I just, I was being selfish. I only thought about me. I thought leaving and finding someone else would do something but, I've just been thinking about you."

I didn't know what to say. I've been in this hotel room with my ex husband for going on two hours trying to pretend none of that shit happened and here he is confessing that that's the only reason he asked me to go.

"I don't really know what to say. Like what exactly do you want out of all of this? I mean it's ok. We both moved on from that. That's the past and this is the present."I said shrugging. He nodded,"I want to work on making our future better." My eyebrows knitted together. "What do you mean?"

He laid down after taking off his socks. "Come ride my face." He said licking his lips.


Once I got out of the shower, I immediately slipped on my granny night gown and laid down next to Odell. I rolled over and watched the sun peek over the houses across the street.

I couldn't help but think of the many positions Keith had me in just minutes before we got here. It's a one time only thing. Never again, he has a girlfriend and I have a boyfriend. It shouldn't have happened in the first place.

"Good morning baby, are you ok? You look like something is bothering you." I heard Odell say. I forgot he's kind of a early bird because he usually have early morning workouts. I shook my head, "Bad dream. I don't want to talk about it." I said laying on his chest. He frowned and wrapped his arms around me. "Don't worry about it. I got you." He kissed my forehead and rubbed my side.

(4 hours later)

I walked downstairs seeing Kevin, Odell and some of Kevin's cousins playing football. I walked to the kitchen and saw mama Jen cooking. "Let me help you mama." I said washing my hands. She shook her head, "It's fine baby. I got it. Go sit down, I'll call you when the foods ready. I know you're tired, had a long night." I looked at her surprised. How in the hell did she know?

I sat on the couch next to Kaylan and Keith. He smiled at me and I felt my cheeks heat up. I looked back at Kaylan and she had a surprised look on her face. I bit my lip and shook my head." Excuse me." I heard. I looked up seeing Keith's girlfriend. I moved my legs so she could get pass.

She immediately sat on his lap and began kissing him wildly. Skylar looked and me and smirked, I chuckled and Kaylan giggled. Skylar faked like she was gonna throw up. As soon as they heard the noise they stopped and looked at her. "Mommy Keith is making babies on the couch!" She yelled running to the kitchen. Me and Kaylan busted out laughing.

Skylar used to think kissing was how babies were made because that's what mama Jen always told her. Although she's acting like she still believes it, Kevin and I shook that lie out of her head. "Tyree, if you gone be doing all that go somewhere else and not in front of my baby." Mama Jen yelled.

"I love when Skylar is petty." I said leaning back. I grabbed the red cup of kool-aid off of the table and drunk it. "Um, excuse me, that's Keith's drink." His girlfriend said. I spit some back and swallowed the rest. "Oh my bad, I thought it was Kaylans. Jeez you out here setting me up, huh?" I gave Keith his cup and he shook his head and drunk some of it.

"Keith!!! She just drunk and spit back in that!" His girlfriend yelled. "Oh Ryan, you don't know?" Kaylan asked. "She's his ex wife. They always did that. Nasty right? I'm so happy they divorced so only she and I can share our drinks. You know, family things." Ryans face dropped, "Why-" She began asking. "Breakfast is ready! Ashley, I made some turkey bacon cause I know that's your favorite." Mama yelled just in time. I got up with Kaylan and walked to the kitchen.

"We're such a petty ass family." I mumbled to Kaylan. "You knew that when you joined the family. Don't act like you drinking his drink wasn't you being petty." I smiled at her comment. "My spit in his mouth should be the least of her worries seeing how hours ago his tongue was all in me." I said looking back at the happy couple.

"Ok, first of all ew. I could have lived my whole life without hearing that. Second of all bitch, I know you fucking lying. " I looked at her and smirked. "when we fix our plates come upstairs and tell me everything." I laughed and nodded. "Let me get some tea for this special edition of tea time." She said. I cackled, she's so silly. I swear.


Any predictions on whats to come next?

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