Do Better (Dave East)

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[Part one]
(Chrissy Pov)

I walked up to the condo I shared with my boyfriend of two years. I was tired after working a night shift. I was ready for a nice shower and to sleep like a baby, with my baby. I walked inside and placed my keys on the counter. I took off my shoes and left them by the door. I walked to our room seeing a arm on the floor.

I ran inside and saw Dave sprawled out of the floor. "Dave whats wrong? Are you ok?" I asked. He looked at me and smiled. I sighed as he blew out smoke. I looked beside him and saw a bottle of lean. I slapped his arm and got up. This is the fifth time I've freaked out thinking something happened to him.

I'm so over the shit. Every since he quit working for that bum Yale, he hasn't even tried actually finding a real job, a legal job, a job that won't have him putting his life on the line everyday. I've been working as a security guard while I finished college. Now that I'm done I can get a job that will actually bring in money. I mean how the hell else are we going to keep living in this expensive ass place?

I sighed as the hot water from the shower hit my skin. I talked to a girl at my job. She told me about her sister working in a club. She told me if her husband would let her she'd clap her ass for some hundred dollar bills too. She gave me the owner of the clubs number since he knows I hate being a security guard.

If I get the job, I can't even imagine all of the money I'll have rolling in. Especially when the big ballers come in for parties. I jumped out of my thoughts as a knock on the shower door scared me. "Yes?" I asked, "Do you mind if I borrow some money?" I rolled my eyes at Dave's question. I pretended like I couldn't hear him.

Soon the door opened and he stepped in. He wrapped his arms around me. "Baby..?" He put his head on my shoulder. I continued ignoring him even though I knew sooner or later, me, ignoring him would have my chest against this shower wall while he hit it from behind.

(one hour later)

I smiled as Dave laid me in bed. I was already half sleep. "I love you baby." He said, "I love you too." I said before knocking out.

(Four hours later)

I woke up seeing that everything was dark. I turned on the lamp beside the  bed seeing that Dave was gone. I looked over and looked at my phone. He sent me a text saying thank you. I was confused. Thank you for what?

I put on my old cheer shorts and a tank top, before walking to the kitchen. I opened the fridge just staring at it. I don't know what I want to eat. I opened the freezer and got two hot pockets. Once I got them out of the microwave, I turned around seeing my purse turned on it's side.

I grabbed it and looked through it. Just in case. Everything was fine until I noticed that the money I had to pay rent was gone. I ran to the front door and saw that it was locked. I went to the balcony. Like that makes since. Who the hell would climb up 15 levels to steak someone's money?

I ran into the room and called Dave. He didn't answer so I called again. Still no answer. I texted him and told him to call me immediately. Then I called him again, still no answer. I waited for about 25 minutes before my phone rung. "Dave someone stole my money! I don't know how they got in the house or anything. But it's gone!"

I sat on the bed as Dave looked in the closet again. "Are you sure you didn't drop it?" He asked. I rolled my eyes as tears began welling up in them. "I wouldn't randomly drop $1500. What sense does that make?" I got up and started walking around. "Baby, I got that 1500."He said. I shook my head, "huh?" I asked. "1500 dollars at the bottom of your purse. It had a blue band around it." I nodded.

"I took it." He admitted. "For what?" I asked. "To get some studio time and pay my people." He said nonchalantly. "Are you fucking stupid?! That was the rent money dumbass! I saved three checks so that I could pay the rent, not for you to go in the dam studio with!" I yelled feeling my blood boiling.

"It's fine. We can ask for a bit more time." He said smiling nicely. "Do you not remember?! The man saying we cannot be late again or he'd out us out?! Why would you do that?! Like what literally possessed you and said that taking my money would be a good idea?!" I was furious.

"I'm sorry baby. I didn't know, but when I get big we'll look back on this-" I slapped the spit out of him. "Stop it damn it! It's not happening! If you were going to go big, it would have happened by now. We're going to be homeless in two days because of your dumbass! I'm so done with you David! I fucking swear you do the most stupid shit!" I grabbed my bag and started packing them.

"Chrissy, calm down. Ok? Everything is going to be fine. I'm telling you, I'm going to go big. You have expensive to trust me." I looked at him like he was crazy. "Trust you?! You want me, the woman working her fucking ass off to pay all of these bills and to put food in that fridge and have clothes on our backs, to trust you, who hasn't had a legal fucking job, and is trying to live a dead dream AND let's not forget, stole my money?! Forget it! Grow up! It's not happening!"

"You're just mad you're dream about being a model never happened! Don't go around saying bullshit cause you never put in work to make it happen!" He yelled back. "I didn't care about it. Once I realized not everyone is cut out to do it I left it alone and found a more realistic job. Now I suggest that you gain some common sense and do the same. Call me when you do, but until then don't talk to me." I grabbed my bags and walked out.


What would do if you were in this situation?

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