The Right One (Part 3)

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(2 years later)
(Whitney pov)

I laid in bed thinking about Michael. He had been on my mind so hard lately and it honestly scared me. My mom always told me that if someone is on your mind for too long, they're probably dead. God forbid, Michael is dead, I'd lose my mind. Well whatever is left of it.

I walked into the kitchen getting the pots so I could start dinner. I looked over and watched the two small children run into the house witb their father following them. I didn't know he had kids when I married him. God they're bad as all hell. They don't listen, they're nasty and they don't know how to talk like regular people. It's always a screaming match with them. I hate it here.

I felt a sharp sting on my cheek as my body hit the ground. I looked up to see Mr.Chad standing over me. It's as if he looks worse and worse as the days go by. He has to be sick, an incurable sickness. His eyes hallow and his smooth chocolate skin now resembled that of a torn, leather couch.

"Damn it woman do you ever listen?" He yelled. I looked over and saw his two kids watching with a blank face. "I-I'm sorry, I zoned out." I said getting up. "Yeah you always are. You better get your shit together before I black out. Where is my dinner?" He said looking around the small kitchen.

I looked behind him and saw a face that was all too familiar. I felt completely embarrassed and quickly turned around and filled the pot with water."You're home early. It's usually done when you get here at 8." I said trying to hold back my tears.

"Well I'm here now and so help me God if my dinner is not on this table in a hour..." He took the sharpest knife and slammed it into the kitchen counter beside me. I jumped hearing the loud sound. "You'll be just like this here counter. Do you understand me?" I nodded, not able to speak. "Good. This is Mr.Jordan, he'll be staying with us for a week. Make his bed up." Chad said.

"C-Can you do it? I have to start dinner." I said as my body shook. I was terrified to ask him. It scares me to ask him anything. If he told me to jump, I wouldn't ask how high, I'd just jump and hope it's good enough for him and hope I don't get shot down. He let out a hearty laugh that boomed inside the small room.

I looked around before looking up at him. As soon as we made eye contact, his hand wrapped completely around my neck. I gripped his wrist trying to pry it off. "I know good and damn well you're not asking me to do shit, in MY house. I'm hearing things aren't I?" He said looking at me. I nodded as my tears flooded my face. "I didn't saying anything." As soon as I said that he released me and I dropped to the floor trying to catch my breath.

"I wasn't sure if you did. Had to mame sure Mr.Jordan, these young girls have smart mouths nowadays. I learned that with my last wife. How about I show you, your room. She'll come up in a second and get it together." He said leading Michael to his room.

I looked over at the two kids and crawled over to them. I rubbed they're faces and smiled weakly."Why don't you two go upstairs and start on your homework. I'll be up there soon ok?" They nodded and ran up the steps. I stood up and poured the water out. I have a hour to cook and there is now thawed food.

I quickly reached in the freezer and began running hot water over the pork. I can make porkchops for dinner. Everyone loves my porkchops. While I let the water run over it, I got some rice and rinsed it off. I put it in a smaller pot and placed it on the stove to cook. I took the meat and seasoned it quickly before rolling it in flour and seasoning it again. I placed some oil in a pan and slowly dropped them into the oil.

I ran up the stairs to the twins room and helped them with their homework before bathing them both. I ran downstairs and flipped the meat then I placed some rolls in the oven. I ran back upstairs, washed my hands then did the twins hair. By the time I finished I began to smell the rolls. I took them out and cut everything off.

I placed four plates out and made everyones plate before yelling that dinner was done. Just as I finished pouring everyone some tea Chad came downstairs. He smiled at me then sat down. I smiled back and watched as he bit into his meat.

He nodded, "I didn't think you could do it. I'm surprised. But one question." I nodded, "Why'd you make rice instead of beans or something?" I wiped my hands on my dress. "I just grabbed the first thing I saw, I can make you some beans if you want." I said looking through the cabinets.

"It's fine. The rice is good this time. Not burned." I smiled weakly. I grabbed a plate and looked in the pan seeing nothing. I slowly placed the plate back silently cursing myself for forgetting to make me something to eat. I forgot Chad always gets two pieces of meat, and having a extra mouth to feed completely threw me off. I got me a cup and got some water to drink.

"Mama!" Chad Jr screamed scaring the hell out of me. I dropped my cup and quickly began picking it up. "Yes, Jr." I said carefully picking up the shards of glass. "Where's your food?" He asked with his mouth full. "I'm not hungry baby." I threw away the glass before going back for the rest.

"Did you know that you could die from not eating mama?" Chassidy said watching me. I nodded, "That's why you should eat. So you don't die." She said. "Its ok baby, if she doesn't eat and dies, then she just dies. Nothing we can do but wait and watch." Chad said smirking.

"Damn it! I have to go to town and meet Piers. That was good Whitney. I'll give you that." Chad said grabbing his coat. "Are you coming back tonight?" I asked. "If it's not too late. It takes damn near 3 hours to get to town alone." He said chuckling. "Maybe we should move closer, there's a house not too far from my parents and-" "Shut up" He said. I stopped talking and backed up.

"We're fine where we are. Besides, why move closer where people can actually hear you scream?" I nodded. "I'll be back." He said leaving. "Mama, I'm sleepy." Chassidy said. I nodded and took the twins upstairs. I wrapped their hair before they laid down. "Good night."

I walked back downstairs and saw Michael still eating. "Let me know when you're finished and I'll make your bed." I said going up the stairs that led to my room and the two guest rooms that we had for no reason.


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