First Show

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I woke up to the sound of cameras and the sight of bright flashes going off.

I snapped my eyes open to see 4 phones taking pictures of me and who ever I was cuddled with , probably just one of the girls.

"Can you guys stop , I'm tired" I said sleepily.

I looked up too see Brad! He was pretty annoyed , guess he doesn't like getting woke up , just like me. We soon locked eyes then jumped up and moved away from each other , with bright red faces's.Everyone just burst out laughing at us.

After everyone sat back down my phone started blowing up with twitter notifications.

"What did you guys do" I said trying to be angry but there was a smile creeping onto my face.

"Oh nothing , just check twitter quickly" Con said trying to keep the grin off his face.

Me and Brad both lifted up our phones and scrolled through twitter for 5 minutes seeing all the stuff. God my bestfriends are annoying!

Most of the posts just consisted of the photo , but James uploaded a caption 'Look at these to cuties sleeping @TheVampsBrad @RobynMcveyX' I swear he's so embarrassing. I knew I would definitely get hate of the fans for 'stealing there Brad'.

Scrolling through all the comments caused me to tear up , most of them were 'go kill yourself' 'eww she's ugly get her away from Brad' 'bitch' , before I even knew it I had tears running down my face.

I got up from the couch and ran to my bed on the tour bus. I heard my name being called multiple times but I just ignored everyone put in my earphones and stared at the ceiling in the very confined space I was in.

About an hour later I was still listening to my music , I had stopped crying. I saw the curtain open and someone come and sit with me , I didn't bother turning round to check who it was I just sat I silence , I felt the person take out one of my earphones and put it in there ear.

About 10 minutes after that person came in my playlist had finished , I picked up my phone to start it again , and saw who was lying next to me , probably one of the last people I would expect to be siting next to me.... Tris. We weren't even that close but any comfort is good at the moment.

He noticed me looking at him and looked down and smiled.

"You okay now?" Tris asked.

"Yeah , guess so" I said , forcing a smile.

"I came to see if you were still here , you've been in here a while".

"Yeah , love this place to be honest , I can just sit and be peaceful , no tv , internet or connection although that also can be a bad thing"i pep lied laughing half heatedly.

"Yeah , I love my room too , but I also came to ask you something , well more like advice?".

"Sure , go ahead"

"Well I kind of have this crush , if had for a while , and I'm scared to tell her incase she doesn't feel the same way , but could you help me?"

"Yes , who is it? Do I know her?"

"Its Jaimielee" Tris said blushing.

"Aww , yous would be so cute together , but give me time and I will keep hinting for you".

"Thanks Robyn , I can always come to you if I need help" Tris said hugging me tightly.

"No bother Tris , so you excited for the show..." checking the time on my phone " 2 hours ..... wait what! 2 hours". I starts panicking because I only had 1 hour and a half to et ready because of sound check.

"Yeah , I'm excited , I better get off you might need time to fix your hair" he said jokingly pointing to what was probably a birds nests.

"Thanks" I said with sarcasm dripping from my reply.

Tris left and gave me time to get ready , I put on a high wasted lace skirt with a plain black crop top with rolled up sleeves. I matched that with some cream and black vans and some black accessories.
I topped it all of by curling the ends of my hair and putting in a pony tail and pulling out parts to frame my face.

Finally finished after an hour by putting on a winged eyeliner , mascara , lip tint and penciled in my eyebrows.

I came out of my little room in the tour bus and head to the sitting area where the girls were sitting all dressed up.

"Wow , you look beautiful ladies" I said winking at Natalie Jaimielee and Jax.

"You don't look too bad yourself" Nat replied laughing.

"Where's the boys?"

"In the venue , they had to go so we waited on you , so come on let's go" Jax said jumping up.

"Wow what's got you so enthusiastic "

"Nothing" she replied quickly.

"Okay , anyway let's go , let gets this party started". I shouted , whilst heading off the tour bus and into the venue.

After the show.

The boys were amazing , as always , played 3 songs and 2 new ones of the album. They were just coming off stage just now and me and the girls were back stage waiting on them.

Tris came running of fort because he was closest to the exit , he came off giving us all hugs follow by James and Con then Brad. They were all horribly sweaty but who cares.

Brad was up next hugging me , I was so proud of these boys , I just kept imagining how my life would be without them , it would be terrible and lonely. I was knocked out of my day dream when two sweaty arms wrapped around my waist , I looked up to see Brad smiling down at me.

"Yous were great out there"

"Thanks , honestly the best fun I've had in a while"

"I can tell" I said gesturing to the sweat dripping off him.

"Oh yeah sorry , you look gorgeous tonight by the way" he said unwrapping his arms from my waist and sending me a flirtatious wink.

"Let's go , I need to change out of my clothes then I think were all going to the after party with Mclfy" Brad smiled.

"Yeah , let's go hurry" I said dragging him with me.

After about an hour of me rushing everyone we were finally ready to go to the after party and meet MCFLY. I was slightly hyper.

We all decided to just get a taxi down because we were all going to be drinking so no one was going to drive.

I can tell tonight's going to be absolutely amazing , meeting my idols , drinking have a great time with all my best friends. I'm glad I came on tour with the boys.

(Night out will be continued in the next chapter)
(A/N) sorry for the long long wait guys , been having family stuff so I was busy but I updated now☺️ please vote , comment , anything

Follow me on Instagram ; robynhamillxo

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