I Need You (The Vamps / Brad Simpson Fan Fic)

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This is my first ever fan fic , so it will be terrible , hope you like it anyway

My name is Robyn Mcvey I'm 17 and a half.I live with my mum , older brother and younger sister in the with UK.Everyone knows me as James Mcvey's sister , yes it is the famous James Mcvey from The Vamps. He's a great brother but he can be extremely annoying , like ALL the time. I love his band mates , I get on really good with tristan because we both just laugh at everything , I get on alright with Connor because we love bearded dragons , I absolutely love his bearded dragon called Rex , its so adorable.I get on with Bradley the best , I do kinda have a slight crush on him but its good James is the only one that knows.



I slowly flutter my eyes open to the horrible and torturing sound of my alarm ringing through my ears at 7:30 on a Saturday morning , yes I said 7:30 , but today was a special day.Today was the 1 year anniversary of the death of my bestfriend Jasmine Clark.I had to make an effort today because all her family and friends were going to visit her grave.

I dragged my body out of bed and into my en-suite for my usual morning routine.Bath , shave , shampoo etc... Then get out and dry my long brown hair and curl the ends where it sits just at my waist.

I got out my bathroom and walked towards my wardrobe and picked out my out fit which consisted of black best top , black see through shirt and a black figure hugging skirt which ended just above my knees. I matched that with the gold locket Jas gave me for my 10th birthday it had a picture of us when we were 5 in the park eating ice cream and the other was us when we were 10 all dressed up for a family party.I topped all that off with my 10-15 bracelets that sat on my left wrist and a pair of black wedged heels with studs. I applied minimum make up because I knew I would definitely end up crying so just mascara , powder & light pink lipstick. I finished it all off with my leather jackets and studded bag.

"Mum , I'm leaving now"!I shouted from the front door.My mum opened the living room door and gave me £40."Whats this for?" "Just have a good time darling don't go crying all day" she said kissing me head and opening the door.I had already phoned a taxi so it was already waiting on me.

I got in the taxi and the driver asked "where too ma'am?" "the local cemetery please" I replied with a small smile.The taxi came to a stop and I handed the driver the right amount of money and got out.

I noticed some of my best friends Natalie , Jaimielee , Jacqueline (Jax for short) Tristan , Connor , Brad and of course James all standing at the gates waiting for me. I approached them looking down at the ground because I could feel all of there eyes on me.

There was hello's , hey's and hugs exchanged from everyone. There was a little small talk until Rebecca , Dan , Morgan and Jake pulled up in Jakes car.Rebecca and Dan have been dating for 3 months now. Morgan and Jake have been dating for almost a year now and they live together.

"Should we go in now , everyone else is arriving?" I asked to no one specific."yeah I guess so" Natalie replied.

All her family and close friends came to visit for a couple of hours and cried it all out , I spoke with her parents for a while until they had to go.They were like a second family to me.

The only ones left were me , James , Natalie , Brad and Tristan everyone else had to go. I just sat in front of the head stone not speaking or crying just staring at the beautiful picture of her.The other tried coming up and speaking but I wouldn't reply , I didn't want to.

It was about 5pm when we eventually left because everyone was getting hungry so we jumped in James's car and headed to nandos. The whole way there was spent with everyone talking apart from me , I just wanted to be alone but I knew that wouldn't turn out good so I just sat in silence with my head against the window.

"You okay?" Brad asked I just nodded my head."Robyn you don't have to lie to me , are you sure your okay?" "I know I don't have to lie to you Brad , I just miss her" I said quietly "I know , everyone misses her , come here everything's going to be okay" he opened up his arm for a hug , I just lay my head on his shoulder and sighed. We sat like that for the rest of the drive.

We finally arrived at nandos and got our food and took it back to mine and James's because everyone was too tired to stay out to have dinner.

(A/N) sorry for the terrible first chapter but its just the introduction.if I want to picture the characters read below.

Robyn ; Indianna Evans with longer brown hair
The vamps ; them selfs
Dan ; Dan Lewis from M.A.D
Jake ; Jake Bugg
The rest are my friends and will be described later in this book. Please vote and comment thanks

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