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"SURPRISEEE!!!!!" screamed just about everyone I know , they were all standing in my living room and kitchen area.

I was so shocked I didn't even hear anyone come in never mind set up a whole party I was so surprised , I guess that's what they were going for.

"OMG thanks so much guys you didn't have to do this , thanks mum." I said to my bestfriends and my mum that were currently standing in a circle around me.

"We had to do something special , it's your eighteenth" James said , hugging me.

I hugged all the boys and they all said happy birthday , until brad he hugged me longer than usual then pulled back really slowly and kissed me , just a simple peck I the lips but it sent electric right through my body. I was certainly not expecting that.But there is definitely something there , I don't know what it was but I felt something.

We just stared into each others eyes for what seemed like hours but was in fact about a couple of minutes.

"U-uh-umm I better go now." u stuttered unsure of what just happened.

I walked away to get a drink.

"There's the birthday girl" I heard Natalie shout from behind me , I turned round and there was my 5 best friends.

Natalie dressed in a cream body con dress with cream high heels and black strap.Her hair up in a sleek pony tail and the end of her hair was curled.

Morgan and Rebecca dressed in the same dress but different colours, it was tight at the top , skater dress. Rebecca's was bright/navy dress.Morgan's was a red sparkly one.Rebecca wore plain black heels and Morgan wore red Jeffrey Campbell's with studs on the heels.

Jaimielee wore a black skater dress with a red belt and red heels.Jax wore a pink patterned body con dress with pink heels and a bow on them.

I must say they all looked beautiful in there on way.

"Wow girls yous all look , wonderful" I said

"Thanks honey , you don't look so bad yourself , Happy Eighteenth" Morgan said

"I'm going to go chat to the other guests i'll find yous later bye"

We all exchanged bye's and I went to talk to everyone else , I talked for around half an hour before I got bored and went to find my brother I've not spoke to him properly all day.

I ran into Brad when I was looking for James. Over the last couple of months me and Brad have became extremely close and my feelings have grew a lot. He might not have noticed it but there's something there , some sort of a connection I just don't know what it is.

"Have you saw James at all tonight?"

"Ermm yeah I think he's outside with your Nats"

"Oh-Okay" I was soon cut off by Brad lips connecting to mine , they were soft and warm.Things began to get slightly heated until we both pulled away to catch out breaths.

I started to laugh and the heat raised in my cheeks , things that always happen when I'm nervous of embarrassed.Lucky enough my mum went out earlier that would be awkward if she was still here.

"I-Ii better go find James" I said giggling softly

"Okay , see you later then?" He questioned with a wink at the end.

"Of course"

"Good" he said with a cheeky grin as I jogged off to find James sat outside with Nats rubbing her back because I assume she was being sick.

"Hey James , Nat"

"Hey Robyn"
"I'm going to go inside and get some water and head ache tablets" Nat replied giving me and James a hug before leaving.

"Happy Birthday Robyn" James says giving me a hug.

"Thanks James , I've had an amazing night , thanks so much"

"Anything for my little sister"
"Oh and I have another present for you".

"What is it James , omg you've done way to much for me already".

"No i haven't , its fine honestly but , you will get your last present tomorrow morning"

"Your really going to make me wait that long"

"Yes now let's go and enjoy the rest of the party before everyone leaves"

"Okay , I will come in , in a second just going to text mum tell her how I'm doing"


James headed inside and I just texted my mum saying I was having a good time and headed inside.

I walked into the living and i saw something I didn't ever wanted to see , It crushed me.Brad was standing at the door making-out with some blonde girl I don't even know.

Brad pulled away and noticed me standing there.

"R-robyn I-"

One tear rolled down my cheek , I violent whipped it away before saying "save it Brad I don't want to hear it" and ran up to my room crying waterfalls.

I heard footsteps run after me and tapping on my door but I locked it , put my headphones in and just lay on my bed looking at my ceiling re-thinking everything.

I just sat in my room until the party was finished and I heard lots of footsteps come up stairs and doors close , so I assumed everyone went to bed , so I decided to as well.

I was dreading tomorrow morning because I knew everyone was here in my house , apart from the only two people I wanted right now , Millie and my mum.

(A/N) sorry for the wait but its up , its a long chapter , I didn't really know what to right but oh well. Please comment your opinions , thoughts or questions below. And Vote please. Any ideas for the next chapter? Please tell me if there's any spelling mistakes and I will fix them.

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