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Mrs.Stake died suddenly, a rumored heart attack.

No one knew the exact cause of her heart stopping, but Gilberts heart was broken into many pieces.

Anne rushed to his home as soon as she heard the treacherous news. A cart with two horses connected to it was outside of his small home, a couple men pulling things out of the house.

Anne rushed inside, holding her hand on top of her hat so that it wouldn't fly off. Gilbert sat at the kitchen table, one of the few things left in the bare living space.

"Gilbert!" She exclaimed as soon as she saw him, rushing to his side and giving him a peck on the cheek. "I'm so sorry about the terrible news, my greatest condolences, she was a beautiful women and I loved her dearly. She didn't deser--"

"--Anne I'm leaving town." Gilbert suddenly interrupted.


"I have some family, far up north. I've been communicating to them through letters, they're rich, Anne. They can pay for my treatment...I could end up cancer free." He announced, a tired smile planted on his face.

"That's amazing!" Anne exclaimed. it was indeed lovely news...just not for her. "When are you leaving?" She questioned. At least she could spend maybe a couple more days with the boy.

"Tonight." Gilbert answered hoarsely, looking down at the table.

Anne's vision suddenly became blurred, and and wasn't sure of why.

"Please, spend the day with me." Gilbert pleaded, grabbing Anne's hand and placing it into his own.

"I--I--I...I can't."

"I'm sure if you have chores Marilla will underst--"

"Its not chores...I have to go." Anne whispered, ripping her hand from Gilberts and walking to the door slowly.

"Anne!" Gilbert yelled louder than he needed to, considering she was just outside the door. She turned around at the call, her head hanging low,and her face red and blotchy.

Gilbert took all of the strength he had in him to stand up and walk over to the redhead. "I love you, okay Anne? Never forget me, please..I will come back for you." He begged, holding the girls face in his hands. She pressed a kiss to his lips, and it lingered for a while, for it was a goodbye kiss.

"Gilbert, I would..I would let you tease me about my hair a thousand times, and I would let you go on thousands of dates with Ruby...if only you could stay."

"I can't st--"

"If I promise you, in this moment that you can call me carrots and pull my hair as much as you like, would you please consider staying in the comfort of Avonlea, where I am...where we are."

Gilbert sniffed, shaking his head. "I have to go."

Anne softly placed her hands on top of his, pulling them down from her face. She kissed him again, more melancholy this time, not filled with as much emotion.

And then she ran.

She ran as fast her legs could take her, to the only place she knew could make her feel okay...she just wanted to feel okay.

It wasn't until she was laying on her bed in the comfort of Green Gables, that she realized she was crying, harder than she ever had before.

Marilla heard the news of Gilbert Blythe leaving (again) from Ruby's mother, and she rushed up the stairs as soon as she found out.

Opening Anne's door slowly, she found the girl wrapped in a sheet from the bed, shaking and sobbing, her hair a bit matted and her shirt soaked with tears.

"Marilla." She croaked.

Marilla only nodded opened her arms, which Anne soon ran into. She squeezed the redhead tightly, putting all of her love into the warm embrace.

Marilla never cooked dinner that night, and Matthew didn't question it.
For the women held Anne all night, and fell asleep holding the girl she has adopted, and loved more than anything in the entire world.

And as Anne and Marilla slept, Matthew watched Gilbert Blythe's wagon pass along the outer front of Green Gables, filled with household items and as many clothes that the boy could find...And then, the older man understood. Gilbert Blythe was leaving again.

And this time, he never came back.


Well I'm crying bye

Carrots.//Gilbert&Anne Where stories live. Discover now