The plan

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"I'm sick of this." Izzy sighed as she watched Jace almost trip over his own feet when you started to train at the opposite end of the training room.

"You can't do anything about it they won't admit they like each other." Alec sighed knowingly, watching his sister inspect you both as she paced up and down, the clicking of her heels the only sound that met the two of you, bar the spare grunts of effort.

"I'll do it, you think I can't?" She dared her brother who laughed.

"Good luck." Was all he said as he left her to plot.


"Izzy why am I here, this looks just like a Mundane house?" You called but found Izzy had seemingly vanished.

"Izzy... (Y/N)!" Jace gasped, making you jump when he burst into the house.

"Jace, this is someone's home, you broke the front door!" You gasped and flinched away with a frown when he rushed over to you.

"You aren't hurt, Izzy said you were hurt." He scowled at you for a few seconds before looking for Izzy. "Where is she?" He asked curiously and you shrugged.

"Beats me she said some big demon thing was in here." You sighed, sitting down as Jace did another sweep of the house.

"Why does she keep trying to make us hang out together?" He sighed glancing at you when you hummed, not spotting you checking his face to see if he knew but was just playing along with Izzy.

"I don't know." You mumbled, sighing when you fell into awkward silence.

You didn't know how long you sat there but several minutes of awkward glances and shuffling Jace leant forwards and grabbed your head in his hands crushing a kiss to your lips.

"Well that worked un expectedly well." Izzy sighed from the doorway.

"By the angel!" You gasped and jerked away from Jace. "Where were you!"

"In the garden, fighting the demon." She pointed over her shoulder with her thumb as she walked over to you both.

"Wait there was actually a demon?" You asked and she nodded.

"Yeah, I was just going to wind Jace up about rushing to save you when you didn't need help until he admitted he liked you but you two seem to have that covered." She chuckled and started to leave. "Alec bet it would never happen, he so owes me." She hummed as t the two of you hurried after her.

Isabelle Lightwood ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now