Big brother

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"Ok we need to be quick about this and get it done." Alec grumbled as he started ordering people around, the main room was in chaos and you tried to slip between the rushing people looming above you to find Alec who had promised a story because he'd given one to Max the night before but not you.

"Alec, I'm ready for bed." You told him, tugging at his jean pocket.

"Yeah ok night (Y/N)." He sighed and patted you on the head as he hurried off.

"But you promised me a bed time story." You whined as he started gathering his weapons.

"I can't I'm busy, get Max to read to you." He didn't look up and you started to sniffle when you failed to keep his attention.

"But Alec you promised." You complained and kicked at his bow which was leant against the table until it toppled with an echoing clatter.

"(Y/N), GO TO BED!" He bellowed so loudly that you jumped and whimpered, everyone froze and looked over as you burst into tears and hurried off. "Everyone back to work we don't have time to miss this chance."

"Is he seriously just going back to work after that?" Clary whispered to Izzy who shook her head.

"He's stressed and didn't mean it." She told Clary before patting her shoulder. "Give me a minute."

Izzy hurried to your room where she found you hiding in the corner in a fort made of bedding, pillows and the sofa. She chuckled when you let her in and cuddled up with her.

"I made Alec mad." You sighed through a shaky breath as Izzy brushed your hair.

"No, you didn't, he's just stressed out, he'll make it up to you tomorrow." She promised and you reluctantly agreed to go to sleep if she let you sleep in the fort.


"I'm going to go check on (Y/N)." Alec sighed when everyone came back and started filling off to their respective places in the building.

"Ok but make sure you don't yell!" Izzy called over her shoulder.

He chuckled when he saw the fort and carefully made his way inside, hunching uncomfortably so he didn't bring it down around you.

"Alec?" You grumbled with a sleepy squeak and rubbed your eyes with the back of your arm.

"Hey kiddo, I'm sorry for yelling at you." He whispered and shuffled to the back of the fort so you could fit on his lap.

"Hey let me in!" Max complained and forced his way into the fort.

"Max, stop it you're running everything." You wailed as he tore the fort down but Alec quickly caught it and Izzy hurried in to see what the fuss was.

"It's ok we just need more blankets so everyone can fit in, I'll go get mine." Izzy smiled and hurried off again with Max doing the same.

"I like you sleep dress." Alec muttered and you smiled up at him.

"Clary got it from a Mundane shop." You told him proudly and groggily got to your feet, his hand flying out to steady you as you showed him the dress.

"Very pretty." He told you, glancing up with Clary and Jace jogged in with their bedding, followed by Max and Izzy.

"We're building a fort?" Clary sighed, looking like she'd just been about to fall asleep and that Izzy might have cohered her into joining.

"Yeah it'll be great!" Jace cheered and motioned for Alec to help build a bigger fort that could fit everyone in.

"WAIT!" You screeched once everyone was in and Izzy went to seal you all in by tucking the edge into the sofa. "I need the book."

"Not the Lucky Warlock, I hate that one." Max complained when you came back with the book in your hands.

"Hey, she didn't have a story last night, it's her choice." Alec muttered as you sat in his lap and opened the book so he could see it.

"This is my favourite, I like the Warlocks hair." You muttered and took the book back so you could show Clary who had yet to see the book. "It's Rainbows!" You squealed in delight and smiled as you let Alec hand you the witch light as he began to read.

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