Izzy And The Mute

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Alec stared down the newest addition to the New York Institute. What annoyed him the most, was the way she stared right on back, uttering not one word. He took a deep breath when you signed out what you wanted to say and quirked an eyebrow as Clary hurried across the room and re-laid what you were saying.

"Thank you Frey, will you show her where she'll be staying?" Alec sighed and went to find his mother and ask why he told to learn how to communicate with you before you got to the institute.

It didn't take long for you to bond with Clary, the advantage of understanding each other seemed to create a world just for the two of you that no one else could invade. Of course that didn't stop Izzy from trying to flirt with you, she thought you were adorable and the cutest thing she'd seen in a long time.


Izzy sighed when you smiled but walked away. She had no idea how you felt about her and it was getting a little frustrating. She cornered Clary on the way to her bedroom and drug her into one of the side rooms.

"So does (Y/N) like anyone?" Izzy asked quickly.

"I'm not really supposed to say." Clary mumbled awkwardly as she glanced towards the door.

"Oh no don't you give me that, who does she like?" Izzy snapped.

"I really don't... IZZY!" Clary yelped when Izzy backed her against the wall.

"It better not be my brother... or Jace, angel forbid its Simon." Izzy ranted.

"I... really can't tell you Izzy." Clary said again.

"Well if it's not one of them then it's me!" Izzy yelped happily and yanked the door open.


Jace was patiently practising with you, running over and over the same moves until you could transition between them smoothly. You turned only to have Izzy collide with you and back you against the training room wall in a heated kiss.

"Izzy!" Jace yelled. She held up a finger to indicate that she'd be a minute and he glanced around to find Alec and Clary staring at the two of you opened mouthed. "I know right!" He hissed at them.

"What'd she say, what'd she say?" Izzy asked when you signed something.

"That she loves you." Clary said.

"Yay... I mean that's excellent." Izzy squealed before correcting herself. "How do I say it back?"

Isabelle Lightwood ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now