thirteen - family

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I wake up the next morning very happy. Veronica is mine.

I yawn and get out of bed, stumbling a little.

Alex is sitting on the couch when I come out and he waves at me. "I'm actually proud of you." He smiles.

"I never got a chance to say it yesterday."

"Thanks bro." I nod, patting guppy on the head.

Ol' RonRon (aka girlfriend 💕)

Hey do you want to come with Nessa, Harrison and I to see a movie? I think they want to watch it but we don't have too. Xxx

I smile. One, yes I changed my contact name, two, it is so sweet of her to invite me with her friends.

Wait is Nessa dating Harrison?

Whatever. I rush into my room to get dressed while typing a response.

Sure! I'll head over in ten. Xxx


We take our seats in the theater. Harrison, Nessa, Roni, Me. In that order. We are watching It, and I am excited. I have seen this movie before and it is pretty good.

The movie starts and I put my arm around Roni and she snuggles into my chest. I look over at Harrison and he seems to have done the yawn trick, to rest him arm on Vanessa's seat.

I ignore it for now and continue watching the movie with my beautiful girlfriend.

The movie finishes and we all stand up to leave.

Vanessa and Harrison link hands as they walk out of the cinema so I spin around to face them.

"Hey are you guys like, a thing? Sorry to be Nosey."

They look at each other and shrug. "Dunno."

We get back to the girls house and I realize we still haven't told Ronis parents we are to together.

"Hey Roni have you told your parents about, us?" I whisper. She shakes her head.

I gulp, wondering how they are going to react, take her hand and walk in.

"Girls! How was the movie?" Paul asks Roni and Nessa, as we enter the kitchen.

They both murmur different answers, causing Paul to laugh.

I notice Wendy's eyes falling apon our linked hands, and suddenly she squeals.

"Are you two together?"

I nod. So does Roni.

"Awe! I'm so proud of you." Roni goes to give her mum a hug, so I go to speak to Paul.

"I hope you don't mind." I look up at him.

He has a stern look on his face.

"It's fine. I like you, your pretty cool!" His stern look changes into a laughing happy one instantaneously.

"Thanks Mr Merrell."

"Please! Call me Paul." We both laugh and shake hands.

I walk back over to Roni and she smiles.

"Now what about you two?" Paul points at Nessa and Harrison.

Roni pulls me to the living room and we sit down on the couch.

We both laugh.

"That went well."

Ahaha sorry I'm a Varrison shipper so they get included too. Also sorry for not posting yesterday I was busy. I will try post again today but if I can't I'll post an extra chapter tomorrow x

Aaronica - Forever in my heart ♥️Where stories live. Discover now