twenty one - christmas

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I wake up to Aaron shaking me. "Roni it's Christmas!" She jumps up and down. I laugh and sit up.

I look down at his abs and smile. "What?" He grins. "Your very handsome, that's all." I laugh, standing up and stretching.

Nessa suddenly bursts into the room making me fall onto the floor. "Good your all clothed. It's Christmas!" She yells, giving me and hug and Aaron a hi five.

"Is Harrison coming over?" Aaron asks.

"You didn't tell him?" Nessa whispers to me.

"I didn't think I was allowed." I respond quietly. "We broke up." Nessa explains.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bring it up, I didn't know." Aaron says apologetically.

"It's okay, it's Christmas! We are having pancakes, then we are opening presents, then our grandparents are coming round, then Roni leaves with Aaron, and then we have Christmas dinner!" Nessa reads out the days plan excitedly.

Aaron stands up beside me and hugs me. "I'll put a shirt on and be right down." He laughs. "Okay. Make it Christmassy!" I laugh, walking out after Nessa.

We sit down at the table just as Aaron walks in. "Thank you for letting me join your Christmas." Aaron smiles taking a seat next to me.

"Our pleasure." My mum grins. "Let's eat!"


We are down to the last few presents. Aaron got Nessa doughnut slippers and a Krispy Kreme voucher which she is very happy about, and got my parents some wine and gift cards. He even got tiger a chew toy.

"Alright Roni, this is from me to you." He grins, grabbing a huge present from the back of the tree. I grin up at him as I open it.

"Aaron! A guitar!" I rip off the wrapping and see a black guitar case.

"You don't know that until you open it, it could be full of scorpions." He laughs.

I open the case and scream.


The guitar is a wooden acoustic with gold imprints and Roni written in fancy eternity down the side. It also has a little gold heart on the back of the head.

Tears I didn't know we're there end up on my leg and I wipe them away, giving Aaron the biggest hug and kiss.

"Thank you so much! You didn't have to do this!" I pick it up and strum it, it sounds beautiful.

"Your such a beautiful guitar player I wanted you to have a beautiful guitar too." He smiles.

"Well now it's my turn I guess." I grin, handing Nessa the guitar to check out.

I hand him a little box and blush. "Smaller than yours."

"Well sometimes the best things come in little packages, like you."

"Was that a short joke." I laugh, fake punching him. "Maybe."

He opens the packaging and smiles.

"Do you like it?"

"It's amazing." He looks up, eyes glistening with happiness.

About a month ago Aaron's whole family had their picture taken. Aaron's mum, dad, Andrew, Alex, Malaya, Mariah, Lauren, Guppy, Moose and I.

I got the photo printed super small and put it inside a customized locket in the shape of a pug because I know guppy is the most important thing to Aaron.

The locket is by itself but I also included a keychain, gold chain, and badge pin so he can put it on one of them.

"I love it." He smiles, give me a hug.

"That's not all." I laugh. He looks at me like I'm crazy.

I hand him an envelope.

Dear Aaron,
I love you so much so I decided to get you an annual pass to Disneyland. Now you can go whenever you want, with whoever you want, as many times as you want.
I love you.
(Rules are you have to take me on at least one trip)
(Please kiss me ;) )

His mouth is gaping open as he reads the letter,

"Of course I'll take you!" He grins.

I point to the last bracket and he laughs. "Okay. If I must."

He leans in and kisses me and I smile.

Best. Christmas. Ever.

Aaronica - Forever in my heart ♥️Where stories live. Discover now