twenty - party

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ten days later...

"Hey Roni!" I smile, holding the phone up to my ear.

"Hey!" I can't see her but I know she's smiling.

"So Alex is throwing a big Christmas Eve party tonight if you want to come? Nessa can too." I smile.

"I would love to! What time does it start?"

"6pm. There will be snacks so don't bother bringing any food. Oh, and it's an ugly sweater party."

She laughs.

"Okay. See you there silly."

"I love you!"

"I love you too." And she hangs up.

"Alex!" I yell from my room to his.

"Yeah!" He yells back. "Roni is coming to the party!"

I don't get a response so I turn on my computer and continue watching YouTube videos.

"Well why didn't you say so? We need to go ugly Christmas sweater shopping like, and right now!" Alex bursts in, pointing his vlog camera at me.

I laugh. "I already have one, it's not that ugly but it's matching with Roni "

Alex wiggles his eyebrows. "Come onnnn!" He whines. "I need one too!"

"Fine." I sigh, standing up and walking to the door.


"Roni! Nessa! Welcome!" I head Alex say from the door. I quickly excuse myself from talking with swoozie and head over.

"Girls!" I grin, hugging them both in turn. "Nice sweaters." Nessa points to Roni and I's matching Mickey jerseys.

We both blush. "Cute. I'm going to find some people okay Roni? Don't do anything while I'm gone." She winks at us and skips off.

"She's crazy." Roni grins up at me. "Your beautiful." I state, grab inter hand and pulling her to the balcony.

"What a cleche move." She laughs, giving me a bear hug. "But I still love you."

We kiss until Alex opens the door laughing. "Come one lovebirds it's time for white elephant."

We all gather around the couch picking numbers from a hat, and in turn, pick and steal presents.

When it gets to me I decide to steal a coffee machine for Roni, until she steals it from me. "I was going to give that to you but okay." I laugh, standing up and grabbing a small box, that when unwrapping turn out to be condoms.

Everyone in the group laughs and starts asking who brought them.

"That couldn't have gone to a better person." Lauren laughs from the other side of he circle.

Everyone's eyes are on me and Roni now and I feel my face getting hot. If I leave now everyone will know I'm embarrassed, so it's better just to stay.

"Next person!" I yell over the noise, so everyone's attention is turned to Vanessa.

"Are you okay?" Roni whispers. I nod. "Just a bit embarrassed but it's okay, it's dark."

She laughs and kisses my cheek. I lean my head in her knee seeing as I am on the floor and she is on the couch.

Once all the presents are opened some of the guests start to leave. "Do you wanna come round sometime tomorrow to exchange gifts?" Roni asks as we stand in the kitchen.

"Can I come in the morning to open presents with your family or is that too much?" I suggest.

"Aaron that would be amazing, but what about your family?"

"My family is celebrating in the afternoon at my parents house, and Alex is staying with lauren and her family at her apartment, so it will just be me and guppy anyway."

"Well do you want to stay over?" She smiles.

"Really?" "Really."

I nod. "Okay. Come help me pack." She nods. "Just going to tell Nessa."

"Okay." I smile.

Man I love her.

Btw I don't play white elephant at Christmas me and my fam do this fun bingo thing ahaha x have a good days loves ❤️

Aaronica - Forever in my heart ♥️Where stories live. Discover now