Yo! It's me UnforgivingDarkness.
Eyeless Jack obviously does not belong to me, the only thing I own is... well... you should know xD Anyways. Hope you like this fanfic and Thanks for reading.
Hello everyone, let me tell you a story about how much I fail at life.
I met Eyeless Jack.
Yes, EJ the Kidney eater, and I did not get any kidneys eaten!
Here, let me tell you now.
I wasn't always the smartest person in the world, but this was just getting ridiculous. I thought it would be a smart idea to go into the forest, at night might I add, just to get home five minutes earlier than the time it would have took me to go the path way.
Do you not see my problem? Well if you don't... let me continue.
Because of my stupid decisions, I ended up facing Eyeless Jack. And me, being the idiot I am, did nothing but stared at his orbless face. And he stared back.
Yes. This is only the beginning.
After around forever of staring, he waved his hand infront of my face and asked "Aren't you going to run?" I completely ignored him and continued staring.
'Where'd he get his mask?' I mentally wondered, did Slenderman give him it? Because I couldn't see EJ just going into a costume store and buying a mask, because come on, everyone would have freaked out at the fact he had no freaking eyes. At all. Just dark holes in his head. Though, despite his eyelessness... he looks like nice....
"Anyone there??" EJ waved a hand in-front of my face and knocked me out from my thoughts, I shook my head and said "Uh. Yeah. Hi."
I know right? Stupid.
"Uh... Hi..." I could have basically felt the confusion that was emitted from him at that present moment. "Aren't you going to run?" He asked me, and I shook my head and reached out and took his mask off.
Now you see how stupid I was?
He was shocked and I saw it on his face, I smiled and said "You look cute." What the hell?? I was seriously thinking of ramming a hammer into my own face to end my putrid existence.
His face was a classic though, "Uh... thanks..." I felt really awkward...
I was actually a fangirl back then of EJ... can you see my problems??
Since my awkwardness got the best of me, I decided to run for the hills. I panicked okay? I completely ignored the feeling of something falling out my pocket as I ran away from him. Maybe that was a bad idea.
I couldn't tell if he was chasing me or not, I actually hoped he wasn't, because I couldn't run for long. And I especially couldn't run fast at all. I got the worst scores in fitness class. In all the years at the school. Yes. I was that pathetic.
I soon realised that he did in fact chase after me. I realised that as soon as I stopped to take a breather after literally two minutes of running. I was breathing so hard that you'd think that I ran a two hour marathon and did not take a single break, which at the time... It felt like I did... Anyways, as soon as I stopped, I heard someone else stop beside me, so I freaked and turned around, to see a maskless EJ.
Maskless, you ask? Yes. Keep reading.
I was staring at his beautiful face when I was knocked from my thoughts yet again, by his wonderful god-like voice, "Can I have my mask back?" I was confused, 'I have his mask?' and then I looked down to my hands to realise 'Yes. Yes I do. I am holding it right now.'
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
I smiled awkwardly and gave him his mask back, he grinned at me with his sharp teeth and said "I have your phone," Then held out his hand, that has my phone in it, "thought you'd want this back" he added, I nodded and smiled at him as I took my phone back, "Thanks." I said, still smiling, he nodded and put his mask on, "No problem. I must go." With that, he ran back into the deep darkness of the forest, from which made me realise that I was literally just outside my house.
I smiled and went inside and got ready for bed. That night, I dreamt of Eyeless Jack.
And there you have it. The story of what meeting Eyeless Jack went. I fail at life. But now everything is fine! I dream of him every night. It has been a year since then.
I have not yet forgotten.
I don't think I ever will.
And Finito fien! My first CP fanfic. :) What did you think?

Meeting Eyeless Jack -Creepypasta fanfic-
FanfictionI am going to tell you the story of how I met Eyeless Jack and about why I fail at life. (Sorry bad description. Please rmead, comment and vote!... you don't have to, of course...)