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"What garlic is to salad, insanity is to art."

"Hey Nate."

"Hey Bee."

"Look, I'm so sorry. I cannot believe-"

"Bea, it's okay. I told you that. But who was that?"

"Oh, good. And, my sister, that was my sister."

"You never mentioned a sister before. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good."

"I feel like you aren't telling me something."

"Well, it's not like I know much about you Nate."

"At least I don't make my secrets noticable."

"So you are hiding stuff from me!"

"It's not like you're any better!"

"What the fuck do you want to know Nate?! That I'm a fucking accident and my family despises my existence because I messed my whole family up! That I get sick all the time and can barely do anything due to the fact I have a poor immune system and low IGA levels! Is that what you want to fucking know?"


"And to think, I thought you'd be different."

"Wait, Bee-"

"Bye Nate."


"I messed up."

"Yeah, yeah you did."

"I can't believe I just lost her."

"Get up."


"Get up."

"Okay, okay. I'm up."

"Look at me."

"Ow! You didn't have to grab my shoulders."

"Look Nate, you made a mistake but you're not going to lose Bea over this. Call her, nonstop. I've never spoken to her but I know she'll pick up. Eventually."

"Why in all hell would she pick up?"

"She cares about you Nate. She has nicknames for you, she was going to go out to meet you even with being sick, she helped look for your fucking cat for god's sake! If that doesn't show she cares, I don't know what does. You haven't lost her but you will if you don't pick up that damn phone and call her back."

"You're right, I have to try don't I?"

"That's the Nate I know."


"It's just out of all the people I've met, I t-thought he'd get it."

"Give it time Bea, he'll come around."

"I dunno what to do, he's wonderful, really. And I'll spend hours imagining him, o-only to come to the realization that I can't have him. He deserves someone better than a screw-up."

"Bea Fuller Myers. One, you are not a screw-up, anyone who thinks that can go screw themselves. Two, you deserve any good, kind, sweet guy in this world, which means you totally deserve Nate. He might not deserve you though."

"But, I am. Mom, dad, and Alan have been saying that from day one. I bet Nate thinks that now too."

"That's it, I'm calling him. I've only ever head him get you out of these funks."

"Here, he's calling anyway. You can answer."

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