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"Taste my tuna casserole - tell me if I put in too much hot fudge."

"Wanna play twenty questions?"

"Nate, it is two in the morning."


"I'd like to play the game of sleep at the moment."

"Welp, too bad for you then because twenty questions is starting, now."

"Fine, you can ask me something first."

"Alright, favorite color?"


"Just answer the question."

"Fine, yellow."

"Your turn."

"God, I feel like such a child. Um, when did you get Calico?"

"I found her actually. I think it's been two years now. Man, I'm a terrible cat dad."

"Aw, no you're not. Calico loves you."

"Try telling Danny that, he's pretty convinced Cali loves him more."

"Well, whenever I see him, I will."

"Mhm, next question. How old are you? I just realized we never covered that."

"Oh my god, that's true. You could be a creepy ninety year old woman who lives with many more cats than just Cali and is tracking my phone for her twenty year old grandson who happens to be in jail for murder."

"Well, I can assure you I'm not. Have you ever considered a writing career Bee?"

"You already asked a question Gnat. I'm twenty four."

"I'm twenty five."

"You aren't supposed to answer your own question."

"Thought you deserved to know, and why don't both of just answer all questions?"

"Okay, both those things make sense. Favorite TV show as of right now?"

"Probably Chopped, I have a Food Network problem."

"I kinda expected that. I mean, you work in a cafe. Mine would have to be Friends, which I'm currently binge watching."

"I expected that too. Do you have any pets?"

"Unless you count Auggie, then no. That kid is as good as a pig though."

"Who's Auggie?"

"I've never told you about him?"

"Not that I can recall."

"He's Ellies little six year old, my nephew. Sweet as pie, but super messy."

"I didn't know Ellie had a son."

"Yeah, can't blame you though. I don't tell you much."

"I'm guilty in that department."

"My turn. What's your story Nathan?"

"Tell me yours after?"

"Promise. As long as you tell me everything."


"Maybe promise can be our always."

"Don't you start."

"You watched it?"

"Danny made me."

"Did you cry?"


"Like a baby."

"Not true! Shut up Danny!"


"Do you want me to tell you my story Bee?"


"Then hush."

"Wait, why is Danny awake? It's only three in the morning. Holy shit! We were talking for an hour?"

"Wow guess so. Danny?"


"Why are you up this early?"

"Stuff to get done. I want to get down to the bookstore early, Ren covered me yesterday, so I'm taking her early shift."


"Who's Ren?"

"Renan is Danny's best friend. They work at Blue Whale Books on the mall."

"Huh, that's cool."




"I'm supposed to get Auggie in an hour."

"Woah, why so early?"

"Ellie is super busy today with work, she asked me to come by and get Auggie for a fun day."

"Oh, that's nice of you."

"Aw thanks. It's protocol though, or at least, it is now."

"Care to elaborate?"

"After you dump your past on me Nate."

"Fine. Hey, you should take Auggie by the cafe. I mean, I won't be in today but it's a cozy place and kid friendly."

"I might just do that. Thank you Nate."

"Anytime Bee."

"I should go be productive, bye Nate."

"Bye Bee, call me if you need any suggestions as to where to take Auggie."

"Will do, and don't forget, you owe me a story."

"I know, and you owe me one too."

"Yeah yeah, bye Gnat."

"Bye Bee."

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