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"I'm looking for a tall, dark, rich cup of coffee..."

"MarieBette Cafe, Nathan speaking."

"Ha! I did it! I know your name now Mr. Mysterious!"

"Dang it. Also no need to shout, you almost busted my eardrum."

"That's the goal hon."

"Okay, I think you owe me a name then."

"I guess."

"Okay what is it?"


"No, you're not a Potterhead are you?"

"Um, I'm a total Potterhead, got a problem with that?"

"N-no, just that, um."


"I'm more of a Lord Of The Rings guy."

"Oh, okay, look I'm not sure I can talk to you anymore-"

"Oh shut up."

"Just kidding! I'll respect your King of the Rings bull if you respect the Wonderful Wizarding World of Harry Potter."

"Oh yeah? I'll respect it if you do.

"We'll see Nathan boy, we'll see."

"Wait I still don't now your name-"


"Well that's just great."

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