Is it real?

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I smelled it first. That stiff air smell, loaded with cleaners and sadness.

Then I heard it. Murmured voices drifted around the room, low and urgent, and someone was crying quietly. Must be my mum I thought. Groggily I lifted up my eyelids, which felt like a ton of bricks.

Standing there, were 4 boys that everyone knew so well. The fifth sat in a chair, peering at me through his tear-covered lashes.

The blonde spoke first. “ How ya feeling?” he questioned politely. All I could do was stare.

Gathering my courage, I finally spoke to their patiently waiting faces. “Where is my mum?”

 They glanced at each other. My heart started to pound. What had happened? Why wasn’t my family here? Did I do something?

The one in the chair, Louie, spoke up. “Well, you see, there was an accident. I, um, well, might have run into you as you were crossing the street. We took you here but well to say it plainly, we have no idea who you are. You had no identification on you and they couldn’t find you in the hospital data base.”

I glanced around the room finally taking in my surroundings. I actually hadn’t realized it was a hospital, I just noticed it smelled like one.

“My name is Payton True. I am 18 years old I just graduated high school,” I recited from memory, “My parents are Debbie and Mike True. If you could call them and tell them I’m here I would greatly appreciate it.”

The boys looked at each other with relived expressions, clearly happy I wasn’t experiencing any signs of amnesia. The one boy known as Liam had scurried off when I had woken up, and now he returned with a doctor. They walked over, quickly crowding the small room.

“ How long have I been out?” I questioned the doctor.

“ Only a few hours,” he replied, “You’re a very lucky girl. The boys say you remember basic facts about yourself so I’m pretty sure you will be all right. If you just give me your number I can call your parents and have you signed out of here in no time!”

Breathing a sigh of relief I quickly told the doctor my number and he left the room. As soon as he was gone the boys pounced.

“I’m so so so sorry!” cried Louis.

I smiled over at him. “It’s really all right. I’m just glad that famous people hit me and not some random old guy!” I giggled at the thought and boys joined in laughing. I liked how they seemed like regular boys, boys that I could live with or grow up with.

“So,” Harry said winking, turning on the charm now that I was ok, “are you single?”

I thought hard about this question. I honestly do not remember anyone being in my life romantically. I remember graduating with my best friends and laughing about my single life with them. I have been single for as long as I could remember.

 I glanced up at him smiling. “Yes” was my simple response.

 Harry opened his mouth to say more but right then the doctor came back in.

I smiled up at him, my mood ten times better than before.

“Are my parents on the way?” I questioned eagerly, ready to be taken home.

“Well there is a slight problem.” The doctor said. My face fell, all happiness forgotten.

“You see,” he paused here debating whether to say my name, “Payton,” he said slowly with his voice full of question, “You simply do not exist.”


OK WELL that was rough. I am not really sure how all the hospital stuff works and I am doing the best I can trying to make it as real as possible but if you have any suggestions please comment and I will do the best I can to fix it! I hope you like it so far and to that one reader that has already read it, THANK YOU!! Seriously I’m surprised anyone found this story so fast. ANYWHO please keep reading and more should come soon. It is summer and I have more time on my hands so I hope to update more often then ever because this is my first story. I’m going to shut up now.

Have a nice day :) 

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