Before the interview

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It's 11 and I should be sleeping. But I'm doing this. Problems. Once again I have no plan for where this is going soooo it might end up at some random place. Hope you enjoy :)


I put the finishing touches on my outfit before grabbing my bag and shoes and hopping out the door. I slowed down as I reached the kitchen and waited for Harry to finish getting ready. Who would have thought he would take longer to get ready than me? Awkward....

Slipping on my wedges and tying the laces, I sat back and zoned out. Soon Harry came bounding out the door and ran straight into me.

"ready to go, girlfriend?" he asked, placing much emphasis on the girlfriend part.

"yup!" I said smiling up to him. He leaned down and kissed me quickly before shooing me out the main door to get into the waiting car.

Harry slid into the drivers seat and I climed into the passengers, looking around for the rest of the boys.

"where is everyone else?" I asked, having my search turn up to be fruitless.

Harry grinned. "I thought it would be cool to show up with just my girlfriend. And this way we have a little more alone time to talk."

"of course you thought that. You sure you didn't have anything else in mind?" I said, putting him on the spot.

"uhhhhh I don't know what you're talking about." he replied, blushing. Lie was written all over his face.

I snorted gracefully. "ok Harry but you're still not getting anything."

Harry hung his head and sighed. "figured....." he mumbled.

We talked aimlessly for the rest of the drive which only took 30 minutes total.

Once we reached the studio where the interview was being held, Harry opened my door for me like a real gentleman. I took his outstretched arm and we walked confidently, arm in arm, in the building.

There were about 5 fans outside. I was surprised at that because it was supposed to be a secret interview but like I've heard, these fans are better than the FBI. It won't be long before tons more show up. They have a way of knowing these things.

I stood and waited patiently while Harry took pictures with the girls. I was lucky that no one questioned me being there with him. I guess they were just to focused on Harry to notice. Which I was totally fine with. I didn't feel like explaining everything here or lying to the fans.

When Harry was done and made his way back to me, the girls finally took notice that he was with someone else.

"who is she?" a bold red head asked.

Harry looked at me for permission. I nodded my head and he turned back to the girls.

"she's my girlfriend!" he said before pulling me through the entrance, leaving the girls with gaping faces.

Once safely inside the doors, we quickly spotted the other boys, already causing mischief.

Louis ran around the stage with Niall, while Liam was messing with the cameras, and zayn of course was posing for them. Just like how I imagined it would be. Paul quickly came in a tried to gather the boys before finally giving up and wandering over to me.

"these boys sure are a handful aren't they?" I couldn't tell if he was talking to me or thinking out loud, so I mumbled a sure. Paul turned to me.

"think you could help me control them a little?" he asked.

"I could try..." I said with a nervous smile.

"BOYS!" I shouted. Amazingly, they all stopped what the were doing and turned to stare at me.

"what can I do for you Payton?" Niall asked.

Not expecting to have them listen right away, I stumbled on my words.

"I...uh I mean Paul... wanted to see you?"

The boys slowly made their way to where Paul was standing. "alright boys, so here's the deal. Live interview. Answer some questions. They will ask who is single. You all get your girlfriends. Sorry Niall. And then they can answer some questions. Then it's over. No big deal. Just behave ok?"

Everyone nodded. Louis spoke up. "El, Danielle, and Perrie are in the other room. You can join them if you want Payton."

"much better than hanging out with you guys!" I said and walked away. I heard them all yelling at me but I kept going. They'll live.

Rounding the corner I found the other room with the other girls. They all jumped up at once and hugged me.

"Louis told me all about you!" exclaimed Eleanor. "really? Why would he do that?" I asked.

She blushed. "not to bring up bad memories, but he was the one who hit you."

"well thats nice of him, I guess." Inside I was in turmoil. How was I going to survive this interview? I had no story to tell. How would I explain how we met? " uhhhhh yah their car hit me...." That would never work! All I could do was sit down and dread what was about to happen.


Ha. Brain fail. I was planning on writing the whole interview but I'm just to tired. Because it is now 12. At night. Or maybe morning. IDK MAN ITS JUST DARK OUTSIDE. Once again I am writing this on my iPad so I can't upload a video or attempt a picture. So I'll upload it sometime tomorrow, probably in the afternoon.

But you should really come back and watch the video if you read this when it isn't up. Because this time it's BUM BA DA DUM............... LITTLE MIX!!!!!! Ahhhh this is going to be so great. Like seriously guys I love little mix. Hate on me I don't cure. I think they are so incredibly talented and the have amazing personalities. Like I watched loads of interviews of the, with my friend yesterday and O MY GOD they are just so great. No wonder they won the x factor. And before you argue; yes,yes they did win the x factor. The were formed 2010 along with one direction. Got knocked out idk at what week though. They re-entered in 2011 and won. So obviously the have talent. If I can upload two videos I will because you should listen to both.

I would buy their songs on iTunes but THEY AREN'T AVAILABLE IN AMERICA. Silly America not letting us have good English music. Ugh life. Ok now I really have to sleep I had 6 hours of dance today and I have 2 more tomorrow. SO SORE. Kk bye.

Have a nice day :)

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