Costa Rica baby!

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"Danielle and I have something to announce," Liam said.

We all turned to look at him. "We decided," he continued, "to take all of you to Costa Rica for a much needed vacation! Everyone at the table cheered. "We rented 5 cabins so each of us get one." Harry glanced at me seductively. I punched him in the arm.

As excited as I was about the trip, I was worried. What if my parents tried to contact me while I was there? What if I got my memory back and needed to get home as fast as possible? What if?

Harry slid his hand on my knee protectively. "It'll be ok babe. Everything will work out." I gave him a weak smile, but I knew in my heart he was right. The chances of anything of that sort happening was very slim.


Two weeks later I was all packed and ready for the big trip.

Harry was finishing hauling all our luggage down the the waiting limo. I checked my outfit one last time in the mirror before meeting Harry downstairs. I was still having reservations about the trip, but I knew in the long run I would be good for me to get out and move on with my life.

After being mobbed at the airport, we all finally slide into our seats on the airplane, exhausted and cranky. The trip was supposed to be a secret thing, but somehow the crazy fans found out about our flight times and all that info. Paul and the rest if the security tried to do the best to help us move along, but the boys always hated to see all the girls heartbroken faces when they couldn't met with them, so we ended up stopping a lot. I took quite a few pictures, some with me in them, some without.

Overall the fans were really great and respected the boys for doing what they could to meet them. I was surprised by that, but very pleased.

Since our group was so big, we took up the entire first class area on the small plane, except for an old rich couple who could care less who we were. And for that I was great full.

I snuggled down onto Harry's arm, and quickly fell asleep.

When I woke up, I was glad I had worn my holister sweatpants and loose tshirt, because I slept so well. Why look put together if you're just going to go fly on an airplane?

When we got off the plane, I was surprised there were no fans there to met us. You would think that news would spread quickly but I guess not. I made fun of Harry as he took 15 pictures of the airport, just to choose one to instagram.

Harry then proceeded to get a picture of me when I wasn't looking and tweeted it as revenge for making fun of me. Did I mention the picture was absolutly terrifying, with me making a hideous face? Because it was.

@harry_styles: my lovely girlfriend at her finest....

Because I didnt have a twitter, I didnt have to see all the things people were saying about me.

Eleanor, Danielle, Courtney and I talked about all the things we wanted to do.

"We need some girl shopping bonding!" squealed courtney. We all laughed at her constant squealing at everything. You would think it would be annoying but it just made her even cuter. You could tell why Niall liked her so much.

Eleanor pulled out her trusty guide book and all the guys groaned.

"Eleanor! Do we really need to follow a guidebook?" Louis complained.

"yes we do. Now shut up and stop complaining." Louis grumpily complied and sulked away. One thing I would have never guessed about Eleanor was how organized she was. Everything had a place, and she always had to plan events out to the smallest detail. Louis had helped her be a little more spontaneous, but she still liked doing things a certain way.

Our cabins turned out to be baby mansions if that's even possible. There were exactly five on a private beach, and a short drive from one of the rainforests. It was absolutly freaking perfect.

Harry and I got settled into our cabin/baby mansion, and went for a walk along the beach.

After walking for a while, I looked around noticing how far we were from the cabins. We were now coming up towards the small work road that we took to get the cabin in the first place.

The sun was setting over the ocean, giving everything an orangy glow. I was, I think, the greatest moment in my entire life. That I could remember of course.

Harry nervously cleared his throat. "Uh, Payton, I need to talk to you."

"what is it?" I asked, still blissed out on this perfect moment.

"well I've been meaning to tell you this for awhile," harry started. I was unnerved by Harry's sudden tone change. My good mood was fading and now I was worried.

"oh no. What's wrong. Please tell me your not sick. Or your family? Is something wrong with them? Or mine? O god did my family contact you? Harry why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"no, no its nothing like that. It''s something else." Harry grabbed my hands and pulled me in close, giving me an intensely passionate kiss. This one felt different from all the others. I couldn't describe why, and it worried me.

Harry gathered me in his arms, and directly into my eyes.

"Payton. I...I think it's time for you to leave." I broke away from his arms.

"what do you mean harry? We just got here. Why would we leave now?"

"no, no, not us pay. You. You need to leave us. I'm doing this for your own good."

I stubbed back as if he had slapped me. My own good? Is he serious right now? He knows he is the only person I have. And I thought I loved him.

"listen to me pay. I will always love you. But this. This isn't right. You're not supposed to be here. This isn't where you belong. Go home Payton. But remember. I will love you forever and always."

The sky had grown dark now, with the sun quickly receding. Tears blinded my eyes as I part ran part stumbbled away from Harry. How could he do this to me? I loved him! I made my way back to the small work road which was empty.

Standing in the middle of it I turned to Harry who was simply staring at me.

"you are a sick, sick man Harry styles!" I called out to him. Tears streamed down my face as I watched Harry's emotionless face change to surprise. But he wasn't surprised at my words. No. I he was surprised at the car that was barreling down the road with no intention of stopping, not even for me.

And with that, I exited one directions life just as I had entered it.


Um. Hi. Sorry if you hate me now. But. Um. Sorry.

I was planing on writing it like this since the beginning but I didn't realize how short i was going to make it until now. O AND THIS ISN'T THE LAST CHAPTER. Just to clarify. You shall understand everything once you read the next chapter which will probably be the last. I didn't want the drag the story out because the whole point of the story is the end, if that makes sense.

So um hate on me haterzzzz. But I hope you guys liked it! also I chose costa rica because I'm going there on a school trip at the end of the year and I'm SUPERDUPER EXCITED. My excitement can't be tamed.

Please comment. Vote. Vomment. Cote. All that jazz. Well cool beans I'll see you guys later.

Music is allstar weekend because they are hot and have nothing to do with this story. YOLO.

Have a nice day :)

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