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Hello! Sorry I haven’t updated I just had a lot of dance and hanging out with friends and just being busy in general. I’m really disappointed that no one commented on my last post but maybe I can get some comments this time? Also this chapter is going to suck because I can’t write interviews and yah…enjoy I guess


5…..4….3….2…on air!

“Hello everyone and welcome to our exclusive interview with One Direction!” a bubbly 20 something year old man shouted to the audience.

The screams that echoed through the building made my stomach clench up in fear. I watched as the 5 boys walked out onto the stage, met with even more screams.

Us girls hung back in the wings waiting for our cue to enter.

“So boys,” the interviewer started, “we are just going to start off with some easy questions that I’m sure you’ve been asked hundreds of times.” The boys smiled good-naturedly and complied.

“What is your favorite part of being in the band?” the interviewer, Jake, asked.

“Well I would have to say having four automatic best friends is pretty nice.” Zayn said. “I couldn’t imagine touring and doing all of this by myself or worse, hating one of the boys.”

“I would have to agree with him.” Said Liam. The crowd awed.

“Personally, I like trying all the different food when we get to travel. Its cool to see what others eat and come on. Food is great.” Niall smirked and the crowd went wild. I laughed at his comment, realizing how true it was, especially in Niall’s case.

Louis commented, “I like being able to goof off and not having to be my age! I have a valid excuse now!” At this Eleanor rolled her eyes. “He is like a child,” she agreed, partly talking to herself and partly to us.

“And Harry what about you?” Jake pushed.

“Well I would have to say it would be meeting my girlfriend.” He smiled toward the audience. Their response was a mix of screams and gasps. My stomach dropped when he said that.

“On that note, lets bring those lovely ladies out here!” Jake shouted. The crowd cheered again (did they ever get tired of that??) and Paul gently pushed us all out onto the stage. We sat on our respective boyfriends lap, seeing that they conveniently did not give us any room next to them on the couch. I smiled nervously at the crowd and Harry, sensing my discomfort, gently rubbed my back where no one could see. [Not in a creepy way guys like the way they were sitting her back wasn’t visible to the audience and stuff. Just to clarify]

The other girls introduced themselves and when it got to me, I mustered up every once of confidence and struggled with my name. “I’m, uh, I’m Payton.” I said simply.

“Great!” Jake said and moved on. I sighed in relief that he didn’t ask any personal questions about me.

The interview began to wrap up and soon we exited. The minuet we got out I began jumping up and down.

“I MADE IT! I MADE IT! I’M A SURVIVOR!” I screamed and Harry laughed at my immaturity. “I don’t understand how you do those all the time. I was nervous and it wasn’t even about me!”

“You get used to it, babe.” He said kissing my nose. I giggled and kissed him back.

“EW NO PDA” yelled Louis, with Eleanor in tow.

“Well what about you?” smirked Harry. “We used the closet.” Louis grinned back. Eleanor paled and punched him in the arm. “You didn’t have to tell them!” she yelled, embarrassed, and pulled Louis away.

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