Take a chance on me

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I woke up that morning completely disoriented. I blinked as my eyes focused on the sunny, nondescript room. Suddenly I shot up as last nights events came rushing back to me. Shaking my head at the ridiculousness of it all, I made my way out of bed and down the hall of the flat to the kitchen.

There stood Harry, wearing only a pair of ragged sweatpants. I blushed as Harry turned around and smiled at me and then blushed even harder when I thought of how I looked.

"Good morning, beautiful!" Harry chirped. I scoffed inwardly at his remark. Me? Beautiful? Never.

"Did you sleep alright?" he chided.

"Surprisingly well considering everything that happened in the last 72 hours. What time is it?"

Harry ducked his head the see the clock on the stove, which I couldn't see without my glasses.

"Exactly 8." he paused, thinking something over. "Um....would it be alright with you if I asked you on a date?" he asked shyly.

I was taken aback. He had to be joking, but the way he said it, he sounded so sincere. "Well I see no reason why not; it's not like I have anything going on anytime soon." I said with a laugh.

He jumped up and down like a little kid and then quickly sobered up. "Payton," he said so seriously I almost laughed in his face. "Would you like to go on a date with me tonight?"

Now it was my turn to jump up and down. "That would be perfect. But on one term." Harry's face fell as he struggled to figure out what I would ask him. Holding my gaze steady, I grabbed for some courage that I would need to say this. "Kiss me. Now." I normally didn't do anything so bold and even though he just asked me out, it scared me to death to just manage those words.

But Harry's face flooded with relief at my simple request. We leaned in and he gently placed his soft lips on mine. He tasted like toothpaste and well boy I guess. The kiss itself only lasted a few seconds (12 to be exact. Because I was crazy enough to count while fireworks had exploded in my head) but I knew I would have lasting effects. I was seriously falling for this boy, even though I have only known him for a short bit.

We finished breakfast and Harry said he would take me shopping for some stuff since I had nothing. Just thinking about it made me feel homeless, and I had to remind myself that I was no where close to being homeless. I was living with one fifth of one direction for god sake!!

Soon the other boys came over and we all went shopping together. They all picked out clothes for me, and they actually had nice taste. Major plus. As soon as we were back to the flat, I ran to my room with all the purchases calling out how I will pay them back later once I had my life sorted out. They all mumbled some "no's" and "don't worry about it's".

I laughed at them, excited for my date. Grabbing my stuff, I started getting ready.....


WOW that seriously sucked. Let's all take a moment to reveal in its suckiness.

Anywho sorry about not updating in awhile I'm sure you guys were just on the edges of your seats with that ending. JOKE. Also I've just been super lazy about this and I hate writing when people are home so I have to wait for my house to clear out or late at night (it's 12:30 pm where I live) .

And I was on vacation last week (3 cheers for new York!!!) the hotel had wifi but I was busy all day and we stayed out until like 12:30 each night cuz we are such party animals. It IS the city that never sleeps ya know.

You could probably tell I was lazy writing this chapter. It's short, it sucks, and I didnt have them do anything and the rest of the boys didn't talk. Geez now that I'm listing all that it sounds even worse. Sorry my friends. Lol jk I have none.

Ok I need to stop rambling. GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF. Now I gotta go fo realz. My brother just came home and my dad knocked on my door. Noooooooo goooooo away dear family. Let me write crappy stories in peace. Thank you.

Ok have a nice day. Or night. Or life. Your choice. :)

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