The Date

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WAIT. Wait. Guys I just re-read my story and I literally laughed out loud at it. I was going to update yesterday but I had a surprise eye doctor appointment and they dilated my eyes with the 12-hour drops. And if you have ever gotten your eyes dilated you understand how you can’t do anything because you can’t see. Or go out in the sun. My eyes hurt thinking about it but I’m back to normal now (yay!) so I am updating!! Hopefully this chapter is better than the last one.


Sitting on my bed, I glanced nervously around the room. I had no idea what to do with myself or where to start getting ready. While we were out shopping, I had grabbed some basic makeup for tonight, but I just couldn’t bring myself to start the process.

What was going to happen tonight? I wondered. This was all going so fast. I mean I just met them! Well, that’s what it felt like at least. I felt a connection with Harry that I have never felt with anyone before. Ever. That I know of. This memory loss thing was really bothering. How do I not remember my family?

A knock on my door startled me out of my thoughts. “All most ready?” Zayn called through the door. “Harry is getting antsy. He can’t wait to see you babe.”

“Just hold on! I need more time! I have no idea what I’m doing.” I called, bolting into action.

Harry told me the date was casual, so I picked out a sundress with Louis when Harry wasn’t looking. I decided to skip the heavily made up look, and opted for white sparkly eye shadow [a/n yes I promise it looks good. Sounds weird looks good. Deal with it. If I can find a picture of it I will put it on the side] and a couple coats of mascara to make my eyes look big. I swiped on some tinted lip butter because it was easier to deal with than lip-gloss or lipstick. I glanced at my two pairs of shoes, my eyes sliding back and forth between them. I decided on my navy Toms that I came with. Ah bad joke sorry.

I made my way down the hallway slowly and stepped into the main room. Harry stood up immediately and gave me a huge grin.

“M’lady.” He said offering his arm to me. I giggled and took it gladly. Harry was dressed in a simple short-sleeved button down shirt and some crisp khaki chinos. He led me out the door and we waved goodbye to the boys while they gave Harry the look. You know the look. Trust me.

Out on the street, the sun was setting and the air was comfortable. Harry slipped his hand into mine and I blushed.

“So where are we heading?” I questioned. “That is for me to know and you to find out.” Harry laughed. I gently shoved him. “Thanks for that insightful answer.” I chided him.

Harry laughed again and we continued down the street.

“So how are you adjusting to this life?” Harry asked. “Honestly?” I said, “I’m really doing just fine. I can’t believe I’m not more torn up about this. You know like not knowing my family or having absolutely no idea what think anymore. I can’t trust my memories anymore. The funny thing is, is that I don’t care almost. It’s like I have been living like this forever and I can’t imagine any other life anymore.”

Harry scrunched his nose in thought. “I have no idea how you can stay so calm about all this. If I was you I would stay in my room and cry about my old life and what I lost.”

I looked up at him. “I can’t mourn what I never had Harry. Because to me, it’s like I never had that life. I can’t even picture my old life. I’m not sure of my name. But this right here, feels right. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

“But I haven’t even done anything!” Harry protested.

I stopped walking. “You have done everything for me Harry. I could never repay you for all you have done.” Harry turned towards me. Slowly, I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought his lips to mine. Right before we met, he whispered, “I love you” onto my lips. Then he kissed me gently and pulled me towards him. And there we stood, lip-locked and in love under a street lamp.

When he finally pulled away, I told him I loved him too. Because I truly did. To me he wasn’t Harry Styles of One Direction, world famous pop star; he was my best friend, lover, and a true boy all in one. The fact that he could sing and it was his job was really only a plus.

We started walking again, chatting about random things and enjoying ourselves now that the heavy stuff was out of the way. Harry stopped walking, signaling that we had reached our destination. I looked around and found that I was standing in front of an abandoned carousal.

Squealing with joy I raced towards it. “How did you know?” I called back to Harry who was wrangling with the key to start it up. He flashed me his signature grin. “Lucky guess” he called back. I wandered around the big machine, carefully choosing my ride. I finally settled on the traditional horse, but mine was a blinged out masterpiece. What can I say, I love all things girly. Harry slid onto the frog next to me and I laughed. He looked down, just realizing what he was sitting on.

“It’s the princess and the frog!” I giggled. He turned to me seriously and said, “I do believe you mean the prince and the frog.”

“Silly Harry there is no such thing!” He stared me down before finally saying, “Well there should be” and cheekily sticking out his tongue.

The carousal started to move and I jumped up and down like a little kid. These rides were the best and I couldn’t believe that Harry had figured it out. Or he really did just take a lucky guess.

We stayed there for and hour at the least before finally coming off, slightly woozy. We decided to grab some food at a local street vendor. [Do they have those in London? I went there a long time ago and I don’t remember….] We both got tacos and they were surprisingly good. We finished eating them in a near by park and ended up just staying there. The rest of the night we wandered the streets of London, while I tried to orient myself in the massive city. When we wound up back at Harry’s flat, I wasn’t sure what to expect from the rest of the night. But I guess it was all planned out because we stepped inside, I saw that Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Louis were all still there, sitting comfortably on the couch.

“Umm…mates what are you still doing here?” Harry casually asked. Liam quickly piped up. “We didn’t want you two getting into any trouble so we waited up for you.” I slid my gaze over to Harry who surprisingly wasn’t mad.

“Thanks I guess.” Harry said, grabbing my hand and pulling me down on the couch with him. “Everyone up for a movie?”

Everyone nodded. “You chose, Payton.” Niall kindly offered. I laughed. “Um guys don’t you remember? Memory loss, kinda don’t know any movies. Pick what ever you want. Though I do seem to remember every little tidbit about your lives. Weird huh?”

All the boys moved away from me slightly except for Harry who shot them a nasty look.

“Kidding, kidding. You know we all love you Payton!” Louis jumped up and tackled me in a bear hug, earning himself a shove from Harry.

“Oi! Mate what was that for?” Louis then proceeded to jump on Harry who chuckled.

Finally we got around to choosing a movie, and Zayn popped in The Princess Bride. I tried to keep my eyes open because the movie was really good, but they just got heavier and heavier. Finally I feel asleep. Sometime later, I felt myself being picked up and carried off. I cracked one eye open and stared at Harry who didn’t notice. He set me down in my bed and kissed my forehead. “Good night Payton.” He whispered as he shut the door.


Meh. I actually feel good about that chapter. And I seemed long so yahhhhh. The video in the sidebar has absolutely nothing to do with the story so don’t get any ideas. But I love this song so much I just like I can’t even O MY GOD. I just love it so much. So listen to it :) and go check out the original version by Bon Iver cause that one is good too I just love the cover by birdy. Oh and a serious note. Do you guys want me to make the story longer? Because I’m thinking about ending it in like 3 chapters but then writing a sequel. I know how I want to end it and everything but I can add some filler chapters if y’all want that. SO COMMENT PLEASE. Shanks.

Have a nice day :)

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