You Seem to Be Mistaken About Something

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Upon Yao Mu Ya and Mo Xuan Yong leaving with numerous thoughts cramped into their heads Ye Gui Feng stands up from sitting and moves into the self-made heaven.

Arriving into the self-made heaven Ye Gui Feng can't help but put on a strange expression as he sees numerous demonic weasels pressing their bodies onto the Dao Road that he had created.

The expressions on these weasels' faces is that of pure bliss almost like a person that's been hanging out in the sun for far too long only to have finally come across a cold surface for them to rest on to take some heat off their bodies.

Looming about in the air Xiao Chen Zi has his eyes closed seemingly fast asleep.

Similarly the Lightning Beast that's dressed in armor lies curled up on a patch of grass while snoring lightly.

At the forefront of the Dao Road is Shu Jun who has his entire body pasted onto the Dao Road to block off the remainder of it. With his short limbs hugging onto the edges of the road it looked as if he is hogging all of it to himself.


With Ye Gui Feng having appeared in the self-made heaven the giant sun that is Ning Xu Yan turns himself around and looks to him.


Looking towards Ye Gui Feng Ning Xu Yan constricts his one eye tightly as he cannot tell what realm of cultivation he is currently in.


Noticing Ning Xu Yan's gaze Ye Gui Feng turns towards him.

"Why are you staring so hard for? Don't tell me you actually swing that way."

[Pei. This emperor is merely curious of your cultivation base is all.]

"But can you actually tell?"


Realizing that Ye Gui Feng most likely knows about the existence of Exalted Celestials or Primordial Monarchs as others might call them in this world Ning Xu Yan forms a stern expression on his face.

[Brat you want to make a deal with me?]


[I've already realize the secrets of this world. If you want to know I'll tell you but in exchange you must help me with something.]

In actuality this secret has Ning Xu Yan feeling somewhat skeptical about as not even he knew if it is true. But he is at least 60 percent certain that he must have guessed most of it.


Narrowing his eyes Ye Gui Feng eventually shrugs his shoulder at the words said by the Sacred Dragon Emperor.

"Not interested."


Hearing Ye Gui Feng's response Ning Xu Yan's face seemingly darkens a bit before he quickly says-

[Are you sure you don't want to prepare yourself for the day in which outside forces, invaders that are located beyond your ten worlds would come in and destroy you so that they may turn most of your people into cultivation essence?]


Hearing these words Ye Gui Feng's expression shows a hint of change.

Cultivation essence, that is what the silver mist that Ye Gui Feng had absorbed and used to create his Dao Road had been call.

From temporarily merging with Miao Tian Huan Ye Gui Feng found out that this cultivation essence is something that every single person is born with and the higher their cultivation the more of it that they will have.

Without this cultivation essence that is basically the world's acknowledgement towards a person's rights to cultivate they cannot become a practitioner.

Normally cultivation essence is invisible to the eyes of practitioners but if a practitioner has a Dao Road then they would be capable of seeing it and absorbing it.

To harvest more cultivation essence means to kill people, specifically killing powerful practitioners.

"Invaders that are located beyond your ten worlds," these words said by Ning Xu Yan has Ye Gui Feng feeling a sense of wariness as the thoughts of Exalted Celestial Long Feng Zi and his servants appear in his head.


Suddenly numerous things are made clear in Ye Gui Feng's head as he connects the dots.

(...Beneath the eyes of the Exalted Celestials there are no immortals within the mortal realm. But did they know that beneath the eyes of the Original Monarchs the world is but a trivial playground filled with insects that they can readily trample over?)

A smile forms on Ye Gui Feng's face but this smile isn't one of happiness. It is a sad smile of ridicule as he realizes just how ridiculous everything is.

(Looks like even within this playground there are people who overestimate themselves into thinking that they can hope to do the same as the Original Monarchs had done.)

The ridiculousness of the situation is almost laughable.

"Heh... So the world that we live in is but a cage meant to trap us, the livestock that these outsiders are constantly watching over in the hopes of harvesting us for cultivation essence in the long run?"

Upon connecting these dots Ye Gui Feng realizes the main goal that Shen Sha Zi had in mind when he descended into this world. It probably had to do with harvesting cultivation essence and bringing it back to the world that he had come from.

The thought of this entire universe that contains ten worlds being nothing more than a cage that is meant to hold and nurture livestock that are destined to be butchered once they are ripe causes Ye Gui Feng to find it funny in how they actually have the time to fight one another in the future when there are bigger enemies out there.

"Jiu Dao just why is it that you had established this slaughter fest?"

Recalling how the Immortal Emperor of the Nine Daos had orchestrated everything to set up a festival of slaughter Ye Gui Feng refuses to believe that he didn't know about the enemies that lurks in the outside world of this universe.

Had he been the same person as he had been in the past when Feng Zhu had told him of these things Ye Gui Feng would surely have broken down from not wanting to accept this truth but after all that he's been through he has matured enough to hold the weight of these truths on his shoulders.

"Keep talking."

Turning to look towards Ning Xu Yan Ye Gui Feng demands for him to continue.

[Unless you agree to make a deal with this emperor then I won't say any more than this.]

The expression on Ning Xu Yan's face is stern seemingly unwilling to back down until Ye Gui Feng agrees to make a deal with him.

Towards this Ye Gui Feng frowns.


A split second later Ye Gui Feng's eyes give off a light of coldness as he waves his right hand causing the Demonic Road of Heaven Defiance to appear beneath his feet.

"You seem to be mistaken about something."

*BOOM!!!!!* without the Dao Road supporting their bodies the demonic weasels that had been resting on top it comes crashing down from the air.


Amongst all of the demonic weasels the one that had the worse fall had been Shu Jun due to his weight and how high he had been in the air. 

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