3. jack maynard (au)

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jack has a stammer

i rolled over so i was facing jack, gently snuggled in his arms, and he smiled at me, "good... morning, babe."

"g'morn." i mumbled, "happy 6 months." i leant forward to press a kiss to his lips.

"happy a-anniversary." he said.

"you're so cute." i cooed.

"i love you."

"i love you too." i kissed him and his hands gently pushed my t-shirt up and trailed up my sides, as he pulled me so i was straddling him as he sat up.

just under seven months ago, jack and i had met in a bar, and i'd immediately fallen for the cute, blonde-haired boy, despite his worries about his stammer, and ever since, i've helped him calm down when he's nervous, and stammer less when he's around me.

as he's a youtuber, he often finds it difficult to bring himself to film, despite how much he loves it, for fear he'll stammer in the video, but i always encourage him, and remind him he can edit parts out and refilm, and, the times when he is filming, are often the times when he stammers he least.

"oh, i booked a table t-tonight, at the... italian." he said, "for seven."

i nodded with a smile, "thank you." and he returned my grin.

jack parked the car and got out, walking round to my side as i got out too, and he grabbed my hand gently, leading me to the restaurant.

i gave his hand a little squeeze of encouragement when we entered, and a waitress asked us if we'd booked.

"yeah, t-two... in the n-na-name of... maynard." he said, and sighed, embarrassed with himself, and i noticed the waitress smirk a little, so i rolled my eyes and scowled at her, causing her to lightly blush and look down, before leading us to our table.

"would you like any drinks?" she asked.

"could i have a glass of rosé, please." i said and she nodded, turning to jack.

"just water, th-thanks." jack said, as he was driving.

when she nodded and walked away, i said softly, "baby, calm down. there's no need to be nervous, you're with me." i offered him a smile and noticed him relax slightly, and, fortunately, a different server brought us our food, who was a boy, similarly aged to jack and i.

"happy anniversary, babe." i smiled, just before our puddings came.

"you too. i l-l-love you." jack said.

"i love you too." i said, before smiling to the waiter who brought our desserts.

"would you like anything else?" he offered, returning my smile.

"no, thank you. i'm okay." i said and jack nodded in agreement, a little frown on his face, but i decided to ignore it.

"jack, thank you so much. that was amazing." i gushed, after he'd payed for our meals, despite me insisting he needn't.

"here you go." the waiter gave us our teas, along with a small chocolate each, and i thanked him with a smile.

"you're welcome, gorgeous. enjoy." he said and i blushed lightly.

"i'm gonna leave y-you two. enjoy." jack scoffed as he stood up, looking between the waiter and i.

as he left, the waiter smirked at me, but i just rolled my eyes and stood up, following jack out to the car park.

"what the hell?" i said, and jack turned around to scoff at me, but i could see the hurt in his eyes, "what was that all about?"

"oh, i think you know." he said, the venom in his voice keeping him from stammering.

"do i? because i don't think i do." i sighed.

"flirting w-w-with the waiter? you c-couldn't have made it... more obvious."

"jack." my face softened, "babe i wasn't, and i wouldn't."

"it's fine, i u-under..stand. he talks n-n-normally, and would-wouldn't embarrass you in-in... public." he said, frustrated with himself, causing him to stammer more.

"no, jack." i stepped closer to him and hugged him, "i don't want anyone but you. i don't care that you stammer, you're fucking gorgeous and the nicest, funniest person i've ever met. please don't get self-conscious, because i love you and wouldn't change a thing about you." i gushed, and he gently hugged me back, and i sighed at how tough and frustrating it must be for him.
"i'm always here for you, you know that." i added.

"i-i'm sorry." he whispered.

"don't be. i love you."

"i-i love you... too." he said and i pulled away from the hug to press a kiss to his lips, before the two of us got back in the car and he drove us home.

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