27. conor maynard

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conor's mum and jack walking in on you and conor

i woke up, raising my hand to cover a yawn that escaped my lips, and i felt conor pull me closer to him.

"morning." he said, and i noticed from his clock it was just before 10am.

"g'morn." i mumbled, and pushed myself up so i was resting my weight on my elbows.

i leant forwards to kiss conor, his hands immediately tugging my shirt off, then going to my bum as he grabbed it as we kissed.

he pulled me so i was kneeling over him, and i sat down, gently moving my hips against his.

"my parents are downstairs." conor mumbled, "so we need to be quiet." he added with a smirk and i grinned, kissing him again.

i was just in pants, so conor just slipped his hand under the waistband, and began to rub me as i moaned quietly into his mouth.

i reached down to palm him over his boxers, as that was all he was wearing, but he flipped us over and pressed kisses to the inside of my thighs.

conor tugged my pants and his boxers down, and he moved his lips closer to my core, before pressing kisses to it, causing me to have to bite back a moan.

"conor?" i heard from the other side of the door, and immediately panicked, yanking the covers up over my bare chest, as conor quickly moved so he was laying next to me, causing me to whimper from the lack of contact.

his mum walked in and smiled at both of us, "morning, sweetheart." she said to me, before looking to conor, "i've just come to get your washing." she said and i laughed.

"thanks, mum." conor mumbled, and his hand moved to my core, rubbing me again, and i had to cover up a moan.

he slipped a finger inside of me, and i couldn't hold back another moan, but fortunately, conor, realising this, coughed as i moaned to cover it up, a smirk on his lips.

conor's mum stayed to talk to us for a minute, conor working his fingers the whole time, me having to cover up a lot of moans.

"see you in a bit." i smiled to his mum when she finally left, and she returned my smile, before i moved to i was hovering over conor.

"fuck you." i laughed and he grinned, leaning up to kiss me, slipping a second finger inside of me.

he flipped us over, him now on top again, and he kissed down my neck.

conor's door was flung open and he quickly moved so he was laying next to me again, and he and i looked up to see jack walk in.

"hey, where's your camera?" jack asked, and conor used his other hand to massage one of my boobs under the cover, his other hand still at my core.

"why?" conor asked and i bit my lip, trying to silence myself.

"i left mine at the flat yesterday." jack said, as him, conor and i had driven down to their parents' house yesterday.

"you idiot." conor laughed and i grinned, "my camera's probably in the draw." he said and i moaned a moment later when he curled his fingers inside me.

jack asked, "you alright, y/n?" as he went over to the draw, retrieving the camera.

"yeah, i just, oh fuck." i said, being unable to finish when i had to cover up another moan, and jack looked between conor and i, a confused expression on his face for a moment before he caught on.

"you're disgusting." jack chuckled to his brother and i pulled the duvet over my head before jack walked out, after thanking conor for his camera.

conor grinned at me and knelt up again, replacing his fingers with his tongue, his hands on my inner thigh as he finished me off, it not taking long.

with a smirk, conor returned to my lips, kissing me again for a minute, before the two of us got up and dressed and went downstairs.

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