8. joe sugg

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lazy guitar lesson with joe

i woke up with a yawn, and grabbed my phone to check the time, 9.04, before turning over to look at joe.

he was smiling at me, so i just snuggled back under the covers, and he slipped his arms around my waist, pulling me towards him.

"are you doing anything today?" i mumbled after a minute of quiet.

"nope." he leant down to kiss me softly, and i smiled, one of my hands cupping his face.

he pulled away for a moment just to look at me, but i pulled away fully to ask, "do you want a cuppa?"

"yeah, please." joe nodded, so i got up and went downstairs, making two mugs of tea.

joe was sat up in bed next to me, on his phone, and i noticed how gorgeous he looked, his hair messy and unstyled, but cute and the way i loved it, his bare skin soft and tan against the white covers.

i leant forwards and used my hand to tilt his face towards mine, before i pressed my lips to his, kissing him softly.

he dropped his phone and kissed me back, a small smile on his lips as he did, his arms comfortably slipping around my waist.

"mm, do you want me to to teach you how to play the guitar?" he mumbled, pulling away for a moment.

i nodded, a little grin on my lips, and i leant forwards to kiss him once more, before getting up and out of bed.

i put on a bralette, pants, comfy shorts and a plain t-shirt, as joe just put on shorts and didn't bother with a shirt, but, of course, i didn't mind.

joe sat on a stool and put another one in front of him, pulling me to sit on it, then he passed me the guitar, and told me what to do.

"fuck this." i laughed after only a couple of minutes, and joe kissed my lips.

"is that my motivation?" i grinned and he nodded, "i'll keep going, then." i laughed and joe smirked, and every time i did something correctly, he rewarded me with kisses.

"i'm bored." i whined after about half an hour, and put the guitar down before spinning around on the stool, pulling joe's lips to my own.

he pulled me to sit so i was straddling him, and i sat on his lap, my legs either side of his waist as we kissed, my hands in his hair and his hands on my hips and bum.

i pulled away breathlessly after a few minutes and laughed lightly, and he gently peppered kisses along my jaw.

"i love you." i smiled as i got up, off him, and he grabbed my bum as i did so, replying with the same words, before following me into the kitchen.

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