19. byron langley

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being byron's ex

• (based on the song 'ex' by james tw)
• (byron's pov)

saturday night and my mates are calling up,
wondering where i've been,
if i'm ever coming out again

i answered my phone, seeing joe's name on the screen, as i sat on my bed while him and all of the other boys were out.

"come on, mate. you have to come out sooner or later, come and have a few drinks and you'll forget about her in no time." joe said and i sighed, knowing if i argued he'd just persist.

"alright, text me the name of the club. i'll be there in thirty." i said as i got up, grabbing some clothes and getting ready, before ordering an uber.

guess i don't see the harm in just a couple drinks,
guess i don't see the harm in having two or three,
probably do me good,
cause i think of you more than i should,

i smiled, taking another glass that was handed to me, hoping it'd stop me thinking of y/n, as she was the only thing i was currently thinking about.

they think they're trying to help,
introducing me to someone else,
i play along cause i haven't got the heart to tell em,
then if i dance with somebody,
i might want somebody else,

joe pulled me over to a group of good looking girls, one of which jack was already talking to, and joe introduced me to one of the girls.

i sighed, not really caring about meeting anyone new, but i didn't want to be rude to the girl, or tell joe how much i was missing y/n.

and if i want somebody,
i might fall in love and forget what it was
to be wrapped in your arms so tightly,
to be your man,
so tonight i'll be dancing alone,
cause i'm afraid if i forget then you'll just become an ex

i didn't want to get close to this girl, or anyone other than y/n, for fear i'd forget about her, and i didn't want her to just become another ex.

i realised, despite trying as hard as i could to forget her, that i couldn't, and i still loved her and missed her a lot, so, after making an excuse, i left the girl and went to dance on my own, another drink in my hand, when, all i really wanted was to be tucked up, cuddling in bed with y/n.

now i remember why this was a bad idea,
now i remember even less than when we got here,
memories, i feel you slipping away from me...

"fuck." i mumbled to myself, realising that i shouldn't be at this club, drinking to forget, and i realised, with every moment i spent away from her, y/n was slowly slipping away from me.

"mate, i've got to go." i sighed, going over to joe, and ordering an uber on my phone to y/n's house.

"what? where?" he asked.

"y/n." i sighed and he looked surprised but nodded.

"go for it." he smiled, "i'll see you later."

"thanks." i said, and he quickly hugged me before i left.

i knocked on y/n's front door, immediately feeling nervous and embarrassed, and she opened the door a minute later, wearing an oversized hoody that i recognised as one of mine.

"that's my jumper." i smiled, and she blushed lightly, nodding.

"byron, it's 1am." she sighed and i realised i must have woken her up.

"shit, yeah, i'm sorry." i sighed, rubbing the back of my neck, and she opened the front door further, allowing me in.

"are you alright?" she asked.

"yeah, i'm fine. i just...i missed you, and, um i..." i started, and a small smile tugged the corners of her lips up.

"have you been drinking?" she asked.

i nodded with a sigh, "yeah, joe told me to go out and tried to introduce me to someone else, because i haven't really gone out since we...um, broke up, but it just made me realise more that i don't really want anyone else." i said and looked down sheepishly.

she took a few steps closer to me, cupping my face and pulling my lips to hers for a quick kiss, "yeah, i've been wearing your t-shirts and jumpers for the past week." she blushed, "i miss you too." she whispered and i couldn't stop a grin from forming on my lips.

"you have? you do?" i asked, and when she nodded in response i slipped my arms around her waist and pulled her into a tight hug.

her face buried into the crook of my neck, her arms wrapping around me, and i felt her giggle happily against my skin as i exhaled a sigh on relief and relaxed a little.

i pressed a kiss to the top of her head and she loosened her grip on me so she could see my face, and i saw her yawn.

"i'm sorry for waking you." i said.

"i don't mind, now, but i am tired." she said and pulled away from the hug, instead grabbing my hand and leading me to her bedroom.

she snuggled down under the covers, and i took off my shoes, jeans and shirt, joining her in bed in just boxers.

i wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her front to mine, allowing her to cuddle into my chest.

"i love you, sleep well." i mumbled.

"i love you too." she said with a sleepy smile, the two of us falling asleep quickly, content.

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