13. josh pieters

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you're tetchy and josh annoys you

i groaned, walking into the kitchen to grab a paracetamol and have a glass of water, in a bit of a bad mood.

just as i put the glass back down on the counter after drinking some, i heard josh shout "boo!" and he grabbed my shoulders, causing me to jump.

"shit." i mumbled, shocked, and i heard him laugh, so i turned around to look at him with an unamused look on my face, "fuck off."

"calm down." he laughed, "are you on your period?" he asked, seeing i wasn't laughing.

"josh, i suggest you shut the fuck up, and piss off." i said and josh just laughed, realising that i was on my period, and he walked away.

i went back to our bedroom and i sighed, realising me snapping at josh was a little harsh, so i just sent him a quick text,

me: sorry for snapping at you x

josh: it's alright x

i put the tv on and sat on our bed, watching it for a few minutes, until josh came in and sat next to me, but he grabbed the remote and changed channels, causing me to get pissed off again.

"josh, what the fuck? you were watching tv in the living room." i groaned and he smirked.

"i wanted to watch it in here." he said and i sighed.

"fuck you, you're such a brat." i mumbled and got up.

"thanks babe, so are you." he laughed and i rolled my eyes, going into the living room and putting on the tv in there instead, not in the mood for josh being annoying.

an hour later, josh came back into the living room and grinned at me, coming over and sitting right in front of me, meaning i couldn't see the tv.

"josh!" i sighed, exasperated.

when he didn't move, i grabbed a cushion and wacked him over the head with it, just causing him to laugh as it probably didn't hurt at all.

i hit him again with the cushion, and when he turned to grin at me, i couldn't help a little giggle from escaping my lips.

"i made you laugh." he smirked proudly.

"shut up." i rolled my eyes, averting my gaze back to the tv.

again, he moved so he was in front of me and i couldn't see, so, with a smirk on my lips, i got up and went and sat on josh's lap, wriggling my bum around.

after a moment of me lightly pressing my bum into his crotch, and shuffling around on his lap, i felt josh's semi press against my bum, so, mission complete, i got up and sat back down on the sofa.

he groaned, turning to look at me frustratedly, but i grinned, "you deserved that." and continued watching the tv.

josh stood up and leant down, pressing a kiss to my lips, before smiling at me, "i'm gonna go have a shower."

"wait." i said, and he turned back to look at me, a hopeful glint in his eye, "you need to apologise for pissing me off all day." i smirked and he rolled his eyes.

"sorry, but it was pretty funny." he said, before looking down at his bulge, "though, this isn't funny, so i'm gonna go sort myself out."

i laughed, "have fun." and he went into our ensuite and got in the shower, as i continued watching tv.

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