25. jack maynard

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meeting jack in a club

i walked into a club and immediately walked up to the bar, ordering a drink.

i felt eye's on me, but i just walked over to a group of a few of my friends, and downed my drink, already tipsy as i'd had a few drinks with one of my friends before coming out.

i walked back over to the bar, and just as i got my drink, a blonde boy stumbled next to me.

"you alright?" i laughed and he turned to grin at me.

"yeah, sorry, my friend shoved me." he chuckled and i turned to see his friends all staring at him, some thrusting and doing other sexual actions.

"go on jack!" i heard one shout, and they all drunkenly burst into giggles, as i looked back to the blonde boy.

"i assume you're jack?" i laughed and he nodded.

"yeah. what's your name?" he asked.

"y/n." i said.

"no, jack baby, don't leave me." i heard one of the boys shriek and i looked to see a tall, ginger one with his hands dramatically on his chest as he looked at jack and i.

"looks like your boyfriend is missing you." i teased and jack groaned, clearly embarrassed by his mates, "i'll see you later, jack." i smiled, standing up and walking back to my friends.

"jesus, mate. if you stare at her arse any harder you'll strain your eyes." i heard one of jack's friends say, and i turned to see jack sheepishly look away from my bum and i just laughed, turning around to my friends.

"he's fit." y/f/n said, regarding jack.

i nodded, "i know." and she smirked at me, and the two of us, and some of my other friends all danced and had fun for a while.

i walked back to the bar to order another a drink, and, just as i was about to hand the bartender some cash, jack payed for my drink.

"this one's on me." he smirked to me and i thanked him.

"yes jack!"
"go on jack!"
"yeaaah jacky boyyy!"

i laughed at jack's friends, and he just flipped them off, causing them to laugh as well, but it shut them up.

"sorry about them." jack said.

"i don't mind." i smiled.

"i don't want you to hate me already because of my crazy mates." he said.

"i don't hate you, and crazy mates don't bother me at all." i grinned.

"hey, i'm conor. i'm jack's brother and i just thought i'd let you know that he thinks you're really fit." conor said, and ruffled his brother's hair, before walking away.

"really?" i chuckled.

"yup." jack smirked, "i do in fact think you're really fit."

"thanks." i said, "you're not bad yourself."

jack and i spent a lot of the rest of the evening together, and we kissed quite a lot and he grabbed my bum.

the next day, as i'd given him my number, he texted me and the two of us went out for lunch and got to know each other sober.

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